Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/126

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. I . CH. 125 . APRIL 22, 1932 . Duck Valley Reser- For surveys and investigations for the construction of a dam or vraaheantion ev . Dam co nst ruct ion . dams across the. Owyhee River, or other streams within, or adjacent to, the Duck Valley Indian Reservation, Idaho and Nevada, as Vol.46,p. 1458.

authorized by and in accordance with the Act of February 28, 1931 (46 Stat ., p . 1458), $10,000, to be made immediately available . Laguna and Acoma Fo r improvement, operation, and maintenance of the irri ation Indians, io Mex .

system for the Laguna and Acoma Indians in New Mexico, 5,500, Operation, etc. Hogback project, N . F or improvement , operation, a nd maintenance of the Hogback MOperation. irrigation project on that part of the Navajo Reservation in New Mexico under the jurisdiction of the Northern Navajo Ag~ency, $12,000, reimbursable under such rules and regulations as the Secre- tary of the Interior may prescribe . Floo d damag es, N. For repair of damage to irrigation systems resulting from flood Mex . and for flood protection of irrigable lands on the several pueblos in Repairs, etc . New Mexico, 5,000, and the unexpended balance of the appropria- Vol . 46, p. 1126.

tion for this purpose for the fiscal year 1932 shall be available for the same purpose for the fiscal year 1933 . Middle Rio Grande The unexpended balances of the a1)propriations contained in the Conservancy District, Interior Department Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1932, and the N. Mex . Vol . 46, pp. 1128,1567. Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1931, for payment Po st, p.831.

to the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District in accordance with Vol.45,p. 312. the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to execute an agreement with the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District providing for conservation, irrigation, drain- age, and flood control for the Pueblo Indian lands in the Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico, and for other purposes," approv ed March 13, 192 8 (45 Stat., p . 312 ), are here by c onti nued avai lable unt il Ju ne 30, 1933. Engineers .

For salaries and all other expenses of the Government engineer and assistants appointed in pursuance to contract executed December 14, 1928, by the Secretary of the Interior with the Middle Rio Grande Bal ance av aila ble . Conservancy District, $5,000, together with the unexpended balance Vol.46,p.1128.

of the appropriation for this purpose for the fiscal year 1932. Klamath Reserva- . For improvement, maintenance, and operation of miscellaneous be

id o Operating on.

projects from the funds held by the~United States in i t ust for 00t h e o Klamath Indians in the State of Oregon, said sum, or such part thereof as may be used, to be reimbursed to the tribe under such rules and regu- latio ns as the Se cretar y of the In terior may p rescri be . Uncompahgre, etc., For continuing operation and maintenance and betterment of the Ute Contin s, Utuingirrigation irrigation system to irrigate allotted lands of the Uncompahgre, of allotments of. Uintah, and White River Utes in Utah, authorized under the Act Vol.34,p. 375. of June 21, 1906 (34 Stat ., p . 375), and for drainage and water Vol.46,p. 1129. rights investigations, $20,000, together with the unexpended balance Reimbursement to of the appropriation for these purposes for the fiscal ear 1932, to tribal funds.

be paid from tribal funds held by the United States in trust for said Indians, said sum to be reimbursed to the tribal fund by the indi- viduals benefited under such rules and regulations as may be scrib ed by the Se cretar y of the In terior . pre- imaReservation, Wash.

For operation and maintenance, including repairs, of the Toppe- Toppenish-Simcoe nish-Slmcoe irrigation unit, on the Yakima Reservation, Washington, unit . Vol, 41, p.28.

reimbursable as provided by the Act of June 30, 1919 (41 Stat., p. 28), $1,000 . wapat oprojec t .

The unexpended balance of the appropriation contained in the Construction, Vol, 46,1) .1129 • Interior Department Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1932, for con- tinuing construction of the Wapato irrigation and drainage system, for the utilization of the water supply provided by the Act of reimbursable by the Indians benefited, under such rules and regula- tions as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe .