Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1276

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1252 SERVICE WITh . OUT E MPLOY - MENT . Voluntary interfer- ence with prop erty . CARRIAGE IN GENERAL . "Contract of ca r- riage" defined . Post, p . 1255. Post, p.1253. Post, p .1253. P081, p . 1255. Post, p. 1253. †lnds of carriers . Application of oe r- tam chapters to ma rive carriers . Post, pp. 1253-1255 . Post, p.1257. Obligations of gratin• tons carri ers . Post, p .1253 . when carriage has begun . Post, p .1253 . 72d C ONGRESS. SESS. II . CH. 128.- FEBRUARY 27, 1933 . can not re lie ve hi ms elf f rom responsibility therefor wi tho ut the con se nt of his principal . CHAPTER 4 3 .-SER VICE WIT HOUT EMP LOYM ENT SEC. 884 . VOLUNTARY INTERFERENCE WITH PROPERTY' . - On e who officiously, and without the consent of the real or apparent owner ofa thing, takes it into his possession for the purpose of rendering a service about it, must complete such service, and use ordinary Bare diligence, and reasonable skill abo ut the sam e. He is not entitled to any compensation for his service or expenses, except that he may deduct actu al and necessary expenses incurred by him about such servibe from any profits which his service has caused the thing to acquire for its owner, and mu st account to the owner for the residue . CROSS R> eENOB Gratuitous carriers, see section 888 . CHAPTER 44.-CARRIAGE IN GENERAL SEC . 885 . CONTR ACT OF CARRIAGE .-The contract of carriage is a contract for the conveyance of property, persons, or messages, from one place to another . Cross Rm'sa cEs Carriage of messages, see section 955 . Carriage of perso ns, se e sec tions 89 0 et seq. Carriage of property, see sections 896 et seq . Common carriers, defined, see section 956 . Gratuitous carriers of passengers, care required of, see sections 888 and 890 . SEC. 886 . DIFPEiu BINDS of oARRIERS .-Carriage is either : 1. Inland ; or 2. Marine . SEC . 887. APPLICATION OF CHAPTERS 44 TO 48 OF THIS CODE To MARINE CARRIERS .-This chapter and chapters 45to48 of this co de, with the ex ception of secti on 90 3, shall have no application to marine carr iers . Marine carriers, within the meaning of this section, shall include carriers upon the ocean, upon arms of the sea, and thosee tran sitin g the cana l fro m oce an to ocean . Cross Rz?

rcclu Inla nd ca rrier s of prope rty, right s and duti es of , see sect ions 975 et seq. SEC. 888 . OBLIGATIONS OF GRA TU ITO US cARRIERS .-Carriers without rewar d are subj ect to the same rule s as emplo yees witho ut re ward, except so far as is otherwise provided by this chapter and chapters 45to48 of this code . Caoss Ri>seanccss Gratuitous carriers, see sections 889, 890, and 89 7. Service without employment, see section 884 . SEC. 889 . OBLIGATIONS OF GRATUITOUS CARRIER WHO HAS BEGUN TO CARRY .-A carrier without reward, who has begun to perform his undertaking, must complete it in like manner as if he had received a reward, unless he restores the person or thing carried to as fav- orable a position as before he commenced the carriage . Cross R>wsaErlcus Com pa re wi th se cti on 890. Gratuitous carriers, see sections 888, 890, and 897 .