Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1278

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1254 Carriers to obey di- rections . Conflict of orders . Delfv eryof freig ht . Post, p. 1332. Notice when freight not delivered . Post, p.1332. When consignee does SEC. 902 . WHEN CONSIGNEE DOES NOT ACCEPT .-If a consignee does not accept. not accept and remove freight within 72 hours after the carrier has fulfilled his obligation to deliver, or du ly of fer ed to fulfill the same, the rights and duties of the ca rr ier shall the re aft er be the sa me as Ante , pp. 1230-1240. those of a warehouseman as provided in sections 731 to 784 of this code . Bills of lading.


WHOLii WITHIN ZONE .-The F edera l bil l of ladin g Act U. S. Cod e U.S.C.,p.1680.

9 tit le 49, ƒƒ81 to 124) is hereby made applicable to shipments wholly within the Canal Zone . Freightage . When to be paid . Ante, p. 1253. 72d CONG RESS . SESS . II. CH. 128. FEBR UARY 27, 1933. SEC. 898 . CARRnfR To omv DIRECTIONS .-A carrier must comply with the directions of the consignor or consignee to the s ame extent th at an employee is bound to comply with those of his employer . SEC. 899 . CONFLICT OF ORDERS .-When the directions of a consignor and consignee are conflicting, the carrier mus t comply with those of the consignor in respect to all matters except the delivery of the freight, as to which he must comply with the directions of the con- sig nee , unless the consignor has specially forbidden the carrier, to receive orders fr om the consignee inconsistent wi th his own . SEC . 900 . DELIVERY of F REIGH T.-A carrier of property must de- liv er it to the co nsi gn ee, at the place to whi ch it is addressed, in the manner usual at that place . Cnoss REFBmnscs Da m ag es for carrier's breach of obligation to deliver, see section 1610 . SEC. 901 . NOTICE WHE N FRE IG HT NOT DELIVERED .-If, for any re ason, a carr ier d oes not de liver frei ght to the cons ignee or his ag ent p er- sonally, he must give notice to the consignee of its arrival, and keep the same in safety, upon his responsibility as a warehouseman, until the consignee has had a reasonable time to remove it. If the place of residence or business of the consignee be unknown to the carrier, he may give the notice by letter dropped in the nearest post office . Cnoss RFSnamvca Da mag es for breach of obligation to deliver, see sections 1610 and 1611 . FREIGHTAGFI SEC. 940 . WH EN FREIGHTAGE IS To BE PAm.A carrier may require his freightage to be paid upon his receiving the freight ; but if he does not de mand it th en, he can not' unti l he is re ady to del iver the freight to the consignee . Cnoss REFERENCE Freightage, defined, see section 896. Consignor's liability SEC . 947 . CON SIGNO R, WH EN LI ABLE FOR FREIGHTAGE .-The con- for freightage . signor of freight is presumed to be liable for the freightage, but if the contract between him and the carrier provides that the con- signee shal l pay it, and the ca rrier allo ws the con signe e to take the freig ht, he can not after wards reco ver the fr eight age f rom the consignor. able, consignee 1i- SEC . 948 . CONSIGNEE, WHEN LIA BL E.-The consignee of fr ei ght is liable for the freightage, if he accepts the freight with notice of the intention of the consignor that he should pay it.