Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1280

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1256 Ante, p.1201 . 72d C ONGR ESS . SESS . II. CH. 128. FEB RU ARY 27, 1933 . reasonable time and place, of a ki nd th at he undertakes or is accus- tome d to carry . CHOSE REFERENCES , p .1332.

Damage for failure to accept freight, see section 1609. Want of room, see section 97 01 Com pens ation . SEC . 961. COMPENSATION .-A common carrier is entitled to a rea- so nab le compensation and no more, which he may req ui re to be p aid in advance . If payment thereof is refused, he may refuse to carry . CROSS REFERENOE An te , p. 1255 .

Lien for freightage, services, and advances, see section 954. Ob :igations altered ,SEC . 962 . OBLIGATIONS or CARRIER ALTERED ONLY BY A GREEM ENT .- The The obligations of a common ca rr ier can not be lim it ed by ge ne ral notice on his part, but may be limited by special contract . Cross REFERENCES Post, p.1257 .

Compare with sections 96 4 and 978 . Limiting liability by special contract, see section 963. Cert ain a greeme nts SEC . 963 . CER TAIN AGREE MENTS VOID .- A com mon c arrie r can not void. b e exon erate d, by any agree ment made in an ticip ation ther eof, from liability for the gross negligence, fraud, or willful wrong of himself or his servants . CRO SS REFERENCE Contract exempting one from liability for negligent or unlawful acts, illegal, see section 573 . EIIeetofwritteac0a• SEC . 964 . Er rivc ' of WRITTEN coNTRAor .- A passenger, consignor, or co nsi gn ee, by accepting a ticket, bill of lad in g, or wr it ten contract for carriage, with a knowledge of its terms, assents to the rate of hire, the time, plac e, and man ner of del ivery ther ein s tated

and also to the limitation stated therein upon the amount of the carrier's liability in case property carried in packages, trunks, or boxes, is los t or in jur ed, w hen the va lue of such property is not named ; and a lso to the li mit at ion stated th er ein to the carrier's liability for loss or inj ury to liv e ani mals carri ed . But his assent to any other modification of the carrier's obligations contained in such instrument can be manifested only by his signature to the same . tar Lo ss of valuable let- SEC . 965. Loss OF VALUABLE LETTERS .-A common carrier is not responsible for loss or miscarriage of a letter, or package having the form of a letter, containing money or notes, bills of exchange, or other papers of value, unless he be informed at the time of its rec ei pt of the value of its contents . CROSS REFERENCES Post, p . 1257.

Consignee of valuables to declare their nature, see section 978. Contract limiting loss where value not stated, see section 964. Common carrier s of i, ~s ony ,

COMMON CARR IER S OF PERSONS Liability for luggage . SE C. 967. LIABILITY FOR LUobAOE .-The liability of a carrier for lug ga ge received by him w ith a passenger is the sa me as th at of common carrier of property . CR OSS REF ERE NCE Liability of carriers, generally, see sections 975 et seq. Regulations for con• SEC. 9' 7'1 . REGULATIONS FOR CONDUCT OF BUSINESS.-A common car- duct of business. 1 Sa in original . .Tier of persons may make rules for the conduct of his business, and