Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1377

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 134 . FEBRUARY 28, 1933 .

1353 CLER ICAL ASS ISTANCE TO SEN ATORS Clerical assistance to Senators . Clerical assistance to Senators who are not chairmen of the corn- Allowance to sena- tors not chairmen of mi ttees specifi cally p rovide d for h erein, as fol lows : Seventy clerks specified committees . at $3,900 each ; seventy assistant clerks at $2,400 each ; and se% enty assistant clerks at $2,220 each ; such clerks and assistant clerks shall mitteehCieriis . Es Com- be ex officio clerks and assistant clerks of any committee of which their Senator is chairman ; seventy additional clerks at $1,800 each, Additions ., c'.erks. one for each Senator having no more than one clerk and two assist- ant cle rks for himsel f or f or the committ ee of which h e is ch airman

messenger, $1,800 ; in all not to exceed, $663,850 . OFFICE OF SER GE ANT AT ARM S AND DOORKEEPER

Ar 0> ms, etc . a 'e rge ant at Salaries : Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper, $$8,000 ;; two secre- sergeant . ; Arms and taries (one fo r the majorit y and one for thinority), a t $5,400 ries, to r; secr ete each ; two assistant secretaries (one for the majority and one for the minority), at $4,320 each ; Deputy Sergeant at Arms and store- keeper, $4,440 ; clerks-one, $2,640, three at $1,800 each ; messengers- i vIesse rgfrs ,etc, three (acting as assistant doorkeepers, including one for the minor- ity), at $2,400 each, thirty (including two for minority), at $1,740 each, four, at $1,620 each, one at card door, $2,400, and $480 addi- tional so long as the position is held by the present incumbent ; two special messengers, at $1,800 each ; clerk on journal work for Congressional Record, to be selected by the official reporters, $3,360 ; upholsterer an d locksmith, $2,400 ; cabinetmaker, $2,040 ; three carpenters, at $2,040 each ; janitor, $2,040 ; six skilled laborers, at $1,680 each ; laborer in charge of private passage, $1,680 ; thr ee female attendants in charge of ladies' retiring rooms, at $1,500 each ; three attendants to women's toilet rooms, Senate Office Building, at $1,500 each ; telephone operators-chief, $2,460, eleven, at $1,560 e ac h ; l aborer in cha rge of Senate toilet rooms in old librar y space , $1,200 ; press gallery-superintendent, $3,660 ; assistant superintend- ent, $2,520 ; messengers for service to press correspondents-one, Laborers, etc . $1,740, one, $1,440 ; laborers three, at $1,320 each ; twenty-five, at $1,260 each ; special employees-six, at $1,000 each ; twenty-one pages Pagss . for the Senate Chamber, at the rate of $4 per day each, during the sessions, $13,937 ; in all, not to exceed $216,691 . Police force for Senate Office Building under the Sergeant at $w l-, senate Office Arms : Special officer, $1,740 ; sixteen privates at $1,620 each ; in all, not to exceed $25,355 . PO ST OFFICE

Pcst Office . Salaries : Postmaster, $3,060 ; assistant postmaster, $2,880 ; chief etPrstmaster,assistant, clerk, $2,460 ; wagon master, $2,040 ; twenty mail carriers, at $1,620 each ; in all, not to exceed $39,270 . FOLDING ROOM Salaries : Foreman, $2,460 ; assistant, $2,160 ; clerk, $1,740 ; fold - ers-chief, $2,040, fourteen at $1,440 each ; in all, not to exceed $26,180 . The provisions of the Legis lative Pay Ac t of 1929 are hereby amended so as to correspond with the changes made by this Act in the designations and rates of salary of certain positions under the Senate . This paragraph shall be effective from and after March 16, 1933 . Fold ing Room . Foreman, etc. Vol.4t,p.32 .