Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1382

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 134. FEBRUARY 28, 1933 . Motor vehicles .

For the purc hase , ex chan ge, main tena nce, and rep air of m otor vehicles for carrying the mails, $3,400 . Oi .HICI AL R EPORT ERS OF DE BATE S Omciai reporters, etc . Salaries : Seven official reporters of the proceedings and debates of the House at $7,500 each ; clerk, $3,360 ; six expert transcribers at $1,740 each ; janitor, $1,440 ; in all not to exceed, $62,095 . COMMITTEE STENCGRAPHERS ~Steent graphers to Salaries : Four stenographers to committees, at $7,000 each ; jani- tor, $1,440 ; in all not to exceed $26,987 . During the ses sion" Whenever the words "during the session" occur in the foregoing to mean sat days . para grap hs t hey shal l be construed to mean the one hundred and eighty-one days from January 1 to June 30, 1934, both inclusive . CLERK HIRE, MEMBERS AND DF)iF;GATES Clerk hire of Mem- For clerk hire necessarily employed by each Member, Delegate, hers, etc. and Resident Commissioner, in the discharge of his official and repre- . 38. IIolS46Cp Supp . VI, sentative duties, in accordance with the Act entitled "An Act to fix P. a.

the compensation of officers and employees of the legislative branch of the Government," approved June 20, 1929, $2,016,665 . Contingent expenses .

CON TI NGE NT EXPENSES OF T .HFI HOUSE Furniture, etc . For furniture, and materials for repairs of the same, including not to exceed $22,500 for labor, tools, and machinery for furniture repair shops, $35,000. Packin g boxes.

For packing boxes, $2,500. Misce llaneou s item s- For miscellaneous items, exclusive of salaries and labor unless specificall y ordered by the House of Representatives, including reimbursement to the official stenographers to committees for the amounts actually and necessarily paid out by them for transcribing heari ngs, and inc ludi ng m ater ials for fol ding , $6 5,00 0 . Committee reports of For stenographic reports of hearings of committees other than hearings . special and select committees, $25,000 . Special and select For expenses of special and select committees authorized by the House, $40,000. Expenditures re- st No part of the appropriations contained herein for the contingent expenses of the House of Representatives shall be used to defray the expenses of any committee consisting of more than four persons (not more than two from the House and not more than two from nation ral expense lim • the Senate), nor to defray the expenses of any other person except the Sergeant at Arms of the House or a representative of his office, to attend the funeral rites and/or burial of any person who at the time of his-or her death is a Representative, a Delegate from a Terri- tory, or a Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico or the Philip- pine Islands . Telegraph and teie • phone servic e.

For telegraph and telephone service exclusive of personal serv- ic e s , $90,000. t Stationery. For stationery for Representatives, Delegates, and Resident Com- missioners, including $4,400 for stationery for the use of the com- mittees and officers of the House, $44,000. Emergency room . For medical supplies, equipment, and contingent expenses for the emergency room and for the attending physician and his assistants, including an allowance of not to exceed $30 per month each to three assistants as provided by the House resolutions adopted July 1, 1930, and January 20, 1932, $2,500 .