Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1408

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1384 R.S.,see. 846, p. 159. U.S.0.,p . 924. Provisos. Pay, etc., on approval of Attorney General . Attendance fee re- striction . Rent . &iiliftq, criers, etc . Iury expenses . Alaska. Vol. 31, p . 639. U. 8. C.,pp. 664, 921, 92 6. Jury co mmis sion ers . Proviso. Service re strictlon . Miscellaneous. Alaska, etc . Travel expenses. Vol. 44, p . 888. U. 8. C., Su pp . VI, p. 47. Proviso . Law clerk's salary . supplies, etc. Law books for Ju- dicial oSicers. Federal Reporter . Provisos. Transmittal to suc- cess ors . Price limit , United Stat es Co de, annot ated . Penal, etc ., Institu- tions. Services, s upplies, etc . 72d CONGRESS .' SESS. II. CH. 144 . MARCH 1, 1933 . includin g the exp enses, mi leage, an d per di ems of wi tnesses o n behalf of th e Gov ernme nt b efore the Unit ed St ates Custo ms C ourt, such ayments to be made on the certification of the attorney for the rated States and to be conclusive as provided by section 846, Revised Statutes (U. S . C ., title 28, sec. 577), $3,135,000 ; Provided, That not to excee d $10,000 of this amount s hall be a vailable for such compensation and' expenses of witnesses or informants as may be authorized or approved by the Attorney General, which approval shall be conclusive : Provided further, That no part of the sum herein appropriated shall be used to pay any witness more than one attend- ance fee for any one calendar day . Rent : For rent of rooms for the United States courts and judicial offic ers, $73,500, j Salaries and expenses of bailiffs, etc . : For bailiffs, not exceeding three bailif f s in each court, except in the southern district of New York and the northern district of Illinos 1 ; meals and lodging for urors in United States cases, and of bailiffs in attendance upon the same when ordered by the court, and meals and lodging for jurors in Alaska, as provided bysection 193, Title II, of the Act of June 6, 1900 (U . S . C., title 28, Sees . 9, 557-570, 595, 596), and compensation for jury commissioners, $5 per day, not exceeding three days for any one term of court, $253,000 : Provided, That no per diem shall be paid td any bailiff unless the court is actually in session and the judge present and presiding or present in chambers . Miscellaneous expenses : For such miscellaneous expenses as may be auth orized or ap proved by th e Atto rney Ge neral, for t he Uni ted States courts and their officers, including experts at such rates of compensation as may be authorized or approved by the Attorney General, including also so much as m ay be nec essary in the disc retion of the Attorney General for such expenses in the District of Alaska and in courts other than Federal courts, and including traveling expenses pursuant to the Subsistence Expense Act of 1926 , as amended (U . S . C., Supp . VI, title 5, ch . 16), $884,000 : Provided, That the maximum salary paid to any law clerk to any circuit iud'A shall not exceed $2,400 per annum . Supplies : For supplies, including the exchange of typewriting and adding machines, for the United States courts and judicial officers, including firearms and ammunition therefor, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney General, $85,000 . Law books : For the purchase of law books, including the exchange thereof, for United States judges, district attorneys, and other judi- cial officers, including the libraries of the ten United States circuit courts of appeals, for the purchase of the Federal Reporter and continuations thereto as issued, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney General, $75,000 : Provided, That such books shall in all cases be transmitted to their successors in office ; all books pur- chased thereunder to be marked plainly, "The property of the United States " : Provided further, That not to exceed $2 per volume shall be paid for the curre nt and fu ture volu mes of th e United States Code, Anno tated . PENAL AND CORRECT IONAL INS TIL u LI ONS For all serv ices, sup plies, ma terials, and equip ment -in 'c onn ect ion with or incid ent to the s ubsist ence a nd care of in mates and ma in- tenance and upkeep of Federal penal and correctional institutions, including farm and other operations not otherwise specifically pro- vided for in the discretion of the Attorney General ; gratuities for inmates at release, provided such 'gratuities shall be furnished to 1 So in original .