Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1428

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 144. M ARCH 1, 1933 . Inveetigating prior For investigating the question of public use or sale of inventions use of inventions .

for two years or more prior to filing applications for patents, and such other questions arising in connection with applications for De fense i n suits

patents and the prior art as may be deemed necessary by the Com- missioner of Patents ; for expense attending defense of suits insti- Attendance at meet- tuted against the Commissioner of Patents, $700, and for expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the work of the Patent Office when incurred on the written authority of the Secretary of Commerce. Furniture, etc„

For furniture and filing cases, $18,000. Pri nting, etc .

For printing the weekly issue of patents, designs, trade-marks, Official Gazette . prints, and labels, exclusive of illustrations

and for printing,

engraving illustrations, and binding the Official Gazette, including weekly and annual indices, $900,000 ; for miscellaneous printing and binding, $50,000 ; in all, $950,000 . Mines Bureau. BUREAU OF M INES SALARIES AND GENERAL EXPENSES Sala ries an d gene ral expenses .

Salaries and general expenses : For general expenses, including fieldpersonnelffi~ and pay of the director and necessary assistants, clerks, and other employees, in the office in the District of Columbia, and in the field, and every other expense requisite for and incident to the general work of the bureau in the District of Columbia, and in the field, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of Commerce, $64,500, of which amount not to exceed $58,000 may be expended Minin g inv estiga- for personal services in the District of Columbia. dons, etc ., in Alaska . Mining investigations in Alaska : For investigations and the dis- semination of information with a view to improving conditions in the mining, quarrying, and metallurgical industries as provided in Vol. 39, 9,p . 959. the Act authorizing additional mining experiment stations approved March 3, 1915 (U. S. C., title 30, sec. 8), and to provide for the inspection of mines and the protection of the lives of miners in the T erri tory of Alas ka, incl udin g pe rson al s ervi ces, equ ipme nt, supp lies , lKine rescue cars and and expenses of travel and subsistence, $8,300 ; stations . Operating mine rescue cars and stations and investigation of mine accidents : For the investigation and improvement of mine rescue and first-aid methods and appliances and the teaching of mine safety, rescue, and first-aid methods

investigations as to the causes

of mine explosions, causes of falls of roof and coal, methods of mining, especially in relation to the safety of miners, the appliances best adapted to prevent accidents, the possible improvement of con- ditions under which mining operations are carried on, the use of explosives and electricity, the prevention of accidents, statistical studies and reports relating to mine accidents, and other inquiries and technologic investigations pertinent to the mining industry ; the exchange in part payment for operation, maintenance, and repair of mine rescue trucks ; the construction of temporary structures and the repair, maintenance, and operation of mine rescue cars and and Government-owned mi ne rescue stations and appurtenances thereto ; personal services, traveling expenses and subsistence, equip- Attendance at meet- ment, and supplies ; travel and subsistence, and other incidental ings_ expenses of employees in attendance at meetings and conferences held for the purpose of promoting safety and health in the mining and allied industries ; purchase not exceeding $5,000, exchange as part pa yment for , op erat ion, mai nten ance , an d re pair of moto r-pr opel led passenger-carrying vehicles for official use in field work


and exchange in part payment therefor of cooks' uniforms, goggles, gloves, rubber boots, aprons, and such other articles or equipment