Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1441

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS . 157-159 . MAR CH 1, 1933 .

1417 [CHAPTER 157 .1

AN ACT March 1, 1933 . To amend article 5 of the Act of Congress approved June 7, 1897, relating to the IS 4003 1 approval of regulations for preventing collisions upon certain harbors, rivers,

[Public, No 400 .[ and inland waters of the United States . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled That article 5 of the Colliborssions and on rivers, har

inland Act of Concrre ss approved Jun e 7, 1897, be am ended by strikin g out w ter 30, p . 97, the wo rd or after the word way " and precedi ng the word am end ed . "being " in the first line thereof, and adding the words " and any vessel " after theword"way"and before the word " being " here- inabove referred to ; and that the article be further amended by in- serting a com ma and the words " except barges, canal boats, scows and other vess els of nondescrip t type, when in t ow of steam vess els,' ; between the words "towed' and "shall," so th at the article as amended shall read as follows "Airy. 5. A sailing vessel under way and any vessel being towed Rule concerning g



v lights onsailmgvessels, except barges, canal boats, scows, and other vessels of nondescript under way, et c., modi- type, when in tow of steam ve ssels, shall car ry the same ligh ts as fi ed . are prescribed by article 2 f or a steam vesse l under way, wit h the exception of the white lights mentioned therein, which they shall never carry ." A pproved, March 1, 1933 . [CH APT ER 158 .] AN ACT March 1, 1933 . To amend the Act of February 14, 1920, authorizing and directing the collection [13.R 100861 of fees for work done for the benefit of Indians .

[Pu bl ic, No . 401.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the item con- tained in the Act approved February 14, 1920 (41 Stat, L . 415 ; U . S . C ., title 25, sec . 413), authorizing and directing the collection of fees to cov er the cost of c ertain specifie d work performed for the benefit of Indians, be, and the same is hereb y, amended so as to read as follows " That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized, in his discretion, and under such r ules and regulati ons as he may pr escribe, to collect reasonable fees t o cover the cost of any and all w ork per- formed for Indian tribes or for individual Indians, to be paid by vendees, lessees, or assignees, or deducted from the proceeds of sale, leases, or other sources of revenue : Provided, That the amounts so collected shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts, except when the expenses of the work are paid from Indian tribal funds, in which event they shall be credited to such funds ." Approved, Mar ch 1, 1933 . Indian Service, fee s for services . Vol.41,p. 415. U. S C., p. 720, amended . Col lection of, op- tional,under prescribed rules . Proviso . Sums pa id fr om tribal funds to be credited thereto . [CHA PTER 159.] AN ACT March 1, 1933 . To authorize acceptance of proposed donation of property in Maxwell, Nebraska,

[n . R. 1b7491 fur Federal building purposes .

[Public, No 402 .1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, Th at the Secre- M axweBn 0 Nebr . (prop- tary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and empowered erty donation in, for to accep t on behalf of t he United States the donation b y Mr .C.J. F ederal b uilding pur- Tsrael of his property in Maxwell, Nebraska, for Federal building purposes ; being a cross section of lots numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4,