Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1449

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 199. MA RCH 3, 1933 .

1425 [CHAPTER 199 .] AN ACT

March 3, 1933 . Amending the Shipping A ct, 1916, as amended, f or the purpo se of furth er regulat- [ s . 449 1 .] ing common carriers by water in interstate commerce of the United States [Public, No . 415 .] engag ed in t ranspo rtation by way of th e Panam a Canal . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Int erc oas tal ship- United States of Ameri ca in Cong ress assem bled, That when used p`n g net' 1x33. in this Act- The term " common carrier b water in intercoastal commerce " " Common carriersby y

water in intercoastal for the purposes of this Act shall include every common and con- trade." tract carrier by water engaged in the transportation for hire of Term define d . passengers or property between one State of the United States and any other State of the United States by way of the Panama Canal . SEC. 2. That every common carrier by water in intercoastal com- Rate, ate ., schedules merce shal l fil e wit h the Unit ed St ates Shipp ing B oard and k eep fl ed with Shipping op en to public inspection schedules showing all the rates, fares, and charges for or in connection with transportation between inter- coa sta l points on its own route ; and, if a through route has be en established, all the rates, fares, and charges for or in connection with transportation between intercoastal points on its own route Contents. and po ints on the rou te of any other carr ier by water . The sched- ul es filed and ke pt open to public inspection as aforesaid by any such carrier shall plainly show the places between which passengers and/or freight will be carried, and shall contain the classification of freight and of passenger accommodations in force, and shall also state separately each terminal or other charge, privilege, or facility, granted or allowed, and any rules or regulations which in anywise change, affect, or determine any part or the aggregate of such aforesaid rates, fares, or charges, or the value of the service ren- der ed to the pas se nge r, consignor, or consignee . Such carr iers in Equal rates, etc ., to estab lishi ng and fix ing r ates, fare s, or char ges may ma ke eq ual be fix ed . rates, fares, or charges for similar service between all ports of origin and all ports of destination, and it shall be unlawful for Unlawful to prevent >

ser vic e extension at any such carrier, either directly or indirectly, through the medium same rates, etc . of any agreement, conference, association, understanding, or other- wise, to p reven t or attem pt to prev ent any su ch ca rrier from exten ding servi ce to any publi cly o wned termi nal l ocate d on any improvement project authorized by the Congress at the same rates which it charges at its nearest regular port of call . Such schedules qu owing schedules re' sha ll be plainly printed, and copies shall be ke pt posted in a public and conspicuous place at every wharf, dock, and office of such carrier where passengers or freight are received for transportation, in suc h manner that they shall be re ad ily accessible to the public and can be conveniently inspected . No change shall be made in the rates, fares, or charges, or classifi- nn No Oange permitted cations, rules, or regulations, which have been filed and posted as in g new schedule . requi red b y thi s sect ion, excep t by the p ublic ation , fil ing, and p ost- as aforesaid of a new schedule or schedules which shall become ef~ctive not ear li er th an thirty day s aft er da te of posting and filing t hereo f wit h the boar d, and suc h sch edule or s chedu les s all p lainl y proposed show the changes proposed to be ma de in the schedule or schedules then in for ce and the t ime w hen the rates, fares, charges, classifica- tions, rules, or regulations as changed are to become effective Provided, That the board may, in its discretion and for good cause, Proviso. allow changes upon less than the period of thirty days herein speci- ti on Discretionary y reduc fled : And provided fur th er, That sched ules or ch anges whic h pro - Rat es to sec ond ary vide for extension of actual service to additional ports at rates of ports- said carrier alr ea dy in effect for similar ser vi ce at the nea re st po rt 3051 •-33-90