Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1473

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 203 . MARCH 3, 1933 . Planting on national forests : For the establishment and mainte- ~Seedii ng, tr ee plant, nance of forest-tree nurseries, the collection or purchase of tree seed, c ones, and nurse ry stock, and s eeding and tree planting withi n national forests; for additional protection, care, and improvement of plantations or young growth; and for experiments and investiga- tions necessary for seeding and tree planting, $214,070 . Reconnaissance, national forests : For estimating and appraising timber and other resources on the national forests preliminary to disposal by sale or to the issue of occupancy permits, and for emer- gency expenses incident to their sale or use, $68,410 . Improvement of the national forests : For the construction and maintenance of roads, trails, bridges, fire lanes, telephone lines, cabins, fences, and other improvements necessary for the proper and economical administration, protection, and development of the national forests, $987 .084, of which amount $96,800 is reserved for expenditure f or the Angeles= Cleveland, San ta Barbara, and San Bernardino National Forests in southern California : Provided, That such sum of $96,800 shall not be expended unless an equal amount, is contributed for su ch wo rk by State, county, municipal, and/or other local int erests, to be paid ,'in whole or in part, in advance of the performance of the work for which this appropriation provides Provided further, That where, in the opinion of the Secretary of Agriculture, direct purchase will be more economical than construc- tion, telephone lines, cabins, fences, and other improvements may be purchased : P rovi ded fu rth er, Th at not to excee d $109,000 may be expended for the construction and maintenance of boundary and range division fences, counting corrals, stock d riveways and bri dges, the development of stock watering places, and the eradication of poisonous plants on the national forests : Provided further, That not to exceed $1,0 00 of this approp riation may be us ed for the repai r and maintenance of the dam at Cas s Lake, Minnesot a . FOREST RESEARCH 1449 Appraising ti mbe r, etc ., for sale . Permanent improve- ments . Amounts for south- ern Ca lifornia forests . Prorisos Local cooperation re- quired Purchase of tele- ph one lines, etc . Division fen ce s, sto ck drivew.a vs, watering places, etc Dam at Cass Lake, Minn . Forest research, For forest research in accordance with the provisions of sections 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, and 10 of the Act entitled "An Act to insure adequate supplies of ti mber and other forest products for the people of the United States, to promote the full use for timber growing and other purposes of fo rest lands in t he United States, including farm wood lots and those abandoned areas not suitable for agricultural produc- tion, and to secure the correlation and the most economical conduct of forest research in the Department of Agriculture through research in reforestation, timber growing, protection, utilization, forest economics, and related subjects," approved May 22, 1928 (U . S . C ., Supp . V, title 16, sees . 581, 581a, 581f-581i), as follows : Forest management : Fire, silvicultural, and other forest investi- gations and experiments under section 2, at forest experiment stations or elsewhere, $492,671 . Range investigations : Investigations and experiments to develop improved methods of management of forest and other ranges under section 7, at forest or range experiment stations or elsewhere, $100,000 . Forest products : Experiments, investigations, and tests of forest Forest products penments products under section 8, at the Forest Products Laboratory, or Vol 45,l) 701 elsewhere, $566,791 . Forest survey : A comprehensive forest survey under section 9, $160,067. F ore st eco nom ics : Inve stigations in for est economics und er section 10, $60,000 . Devel opment of tim- ber, etc Vol. 45, p. 099 . U.S. C , Supp . VI, p.224. Exper iments, inves- tigati ons, etc , at Ste . tions Vol C" .1, loo Management raneec, etc Vol 45, p 701 . Fore,I ,u r, fly ~'ol 4-,, p 702 FOIF- 1 t ecoc r,in, cs . Vol 45, p 702 . of ex