Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/149

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 125. APR IL 22, 1932 .

125 vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees in connec- ti on with general park wor k, $43,8 00 ; fo r co nst ruct ion of phys ical improvements, $2,800, including not exceeding $2,300 for an equip- ment shelter ; in all, $46,600. National monuments : For admi nis trat ion, pr otec tion , m aint ena nce, m nationalmonw- and preservation of national monuments, including not exceeding Administration, etc . $2,900 for the p urchase, mainten ance, operation, and repair , o f mo t o r - driven passenger-carrying vehicles for the use of the custodians and employees in connection with general monument work, $76500 ; for construction of physical improvements, $17,300, of which not exceed- ing $2,900 shall be available for an employee's quarters, $3,700 for two comfort stations, $3,500 for two tool sheds ; in all, $93,800 : Pro vid ed, That the unexpended balance of the appropriation for a Pra vsocsnyon . water-supply at Chaco Canyon for the fiscal year 1931 shall remain Balan ce av aila ble . available until June 30, 1933 . Colonial National Monument, Virginia

For admi nistrati on

ro- colonial National f

Monument, Va. tection, maintenance, and improvement, including not exceeding $675 for the maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-driven passen- ger-c arry ing vehi cles for the use of the sup erin tend ent and employees in connection with general monument work, $50,000 ; for construction of physical improvements, $22,000, of which not exceed- ing $12, 000 shal l be ava ilable f or const ruction a nd/or pu rchase o f a superintendent's quarters including necessary land therefor, $5,000 for miscellaneous building improvements ; in all, $72,000 . George Wa shington Birthplace Nationa l Monument, Wakefield, Birthplace, weWashington Virgini a : For adm ini str ati on, pr ote cti on, maintenance, and impro vemen t, inc ludin g not excee ding $300 for th e mai ntena nce, operation, and repair of motor -driven passenge r-carrying vehic les for the use of the custodian and employees in connection with general monument work, $16,300 ; for construction of physical improve- ments, $9,500, of which not exceeding $3,000 shall be available for a comfort station, $2,000 for a utility building, $500 for telephone and electrical connections ; in all, $25,800 . For reconstruction, replacement, and repair of roads, trails, Roads,trails,etc .,re• bridges, buildings, and other physical improvements and of equip- ment in national parks or national monuments that are damaged or destroyed by flood, fire, storm, or other unavoidable causes during the fiscal year 1933, and for fighting or emergency prevention of in Emergency fire-fight- forest fires in national parks or other areas administered by the Nationa l Park S ervice, or fires that en danger s uch area s, $50,0 00, and in addition thereto the unexpended balance for this purpose Balanc pvaillable . for the fiscal year 1932 is continued available during the fiscal year Pcat, p . asz 1154 . 1933, together with no t to exc eed $100 ,000 to be trans ferred u pon Transfer of funds . the a pprov al of the S ecret ary of the Inter ior fr om th e var ious appropriations for national parks and national monuments herein contain ed, any such div ersions of appro priation s to be reported to Congress in the annual Budget : Provided, That the allotment of Allotment for fre- these f unds to the vari ous nati onal par ks or ar eas admi nistered by fighting. the National Park Service as may be required for fire-fighting pur- poses shall be made by the Secretary of the Interior, and then only after the obligation for the expenditure has been incurre d . For the control and the prevention of spread of forest insects and Forest ins ect control, tree diseases, including necessary personnel and equipment for such fires, prevention mess- work, $50,000 ; for fire-prevention measures, including necessary personnel and fire-prevention equipment, $80,000 ; and for fire-pre- ve nt ion improvements within national pa rks and national monu- ments, $10,000, including not exceeding $8,900 for the construction of five lookout stations ; in all, $140,000.