Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1511

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS. 208, 209. MARCH 3, 1933 .

1487 for other purposes," approved June 1, 1926 (44 Stat . 680 ; U . S. C ., us c , s.6w. vi,p. title 10, sets . 1209, 1210), is hereby amended by adding at the end 115, ameided . thereof a section to read as follows : " SEC. 3 . In the administration of sections 1 and 2 of this Act, New section . as amended, the Secretary of war is authorized and directed to partm Transfer of Agriccul- transfer th e powder and other e xplosive materials f rom such deteri- oratedand unserviceable ammunition and components thereof to the Secretary o f Agriculture, for d istribution and sale in such amounts and at such times as the latter may determine, to farmers at not less than cost, under such regulations as he may prescribe, for use in land clearing, drainage, road building, and other agricultural purposes, by the Secretary of Agriculture . No expense in con- nection with such distribution and sale shall be borne by the war Department, and the Secretary of Agriculture shall reimburse the Reimbursement . Secretary of war for the powder and explosive materials trans- ferred under this section in amounts equal to the credits the Secre- tary of war would have received in an exchange under sections 1 and 2 of this Act . Amounts so reimbursed are authorized to be Availability . mad e ava ilable for the ex pendi ture by the war Depar tment for amm uniti on or compo nents there of .ThePresidentisauthorizedEmergencysuspent to suspend the provisions of this section in case of national •n' emergency ." Approved. March 3 . 1933. [CHAPTER 209 .1 AN ACT march 3, 1933. To provide for the selection of certain lands in the State of California for the use [s .5612 .1 of the California State Park system .

[Public, No. 425 .] Be i t enacted by the Sen ate and House o f Re presentatives o f th e United States o f America in Congress assembled, That subject to Bt gelar ta tion o[lan rul ds in valid rights exist ing on the dat e of t his Act , the S tate o f Calif ornia d esigna ted_ to wnships , may within five years select for State park purposes by legal sub- aut>Bor~e~rk system ' divisio ns all or any portio n of the p ublic land not reser ved for pu blic purposes in the following townships Township 9 south, range 4 east ; township 9 south, range 5 east ; Description. township 9 south, range 6 east ; township 9 south, range 7 east ; township 9 south, range 8 east ; township 10 south, range 5 east ; township 10 south, range 6 east ; township 10 south, range 7 east ; township 10 south, range 8 east ; township 11 south, range 5 east ; township 11 south, range 6 east ; township 11 south, range 7 east ; township 11 south, range 8 east ; township 12 south, range 5 east ; township 12 south, range 6 east ; township 12 south, range 7 east ; township 12 so uth, range 8 east ; San Bernardino meridian . Upon the s ubmission of satisfa ctory proo f that the land sele cted Paten ts to issue . contains characteristic desert growth and scenic or other natural features which it is desirable to preserve as apart of the California State park system, the Secretary of the Interior shall cause patents to issue th erefor : Provided, Tat there shall be reserved to the pry . United States all coal, oil, gas, or other mineral contained in such Ma~ ' etc., r ' lands, together with the right to prospect for, mine, and remove the same at such times and under such conditions as the Secretary of the Interior may p rescribe : Provided further That any patent so issued asR version for non- shall contain a provision for reversion of title to the United States upon a finding by the Secretary of the Interior that for a period of more than one year the land has no t been used by the S tate for park pur pose s . Approved, March 3, 1933 .