Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1518

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1494 Services in the Dis- in all, $900,000, of which not more than $400,000 may be used for proviso .

personal services in the District of Columbia : Provided, That the t ~ ors' ~t amount of the expenses and salaries of the employees engaged in a sse ssed land banks, etc . the work of the division of examinations of the Federal Farm Loan Bureau shall be assessed in accordance with the provisions of existing law by the Federal Farm Loan Board against Federal land banks, joint-stock land banks and Federal intermediate credit banks, and the proceeds covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts . Coo ratio f tar's office permit Regis- At the request of the Federal Farm Loan Board, whenever in its opinio n the exp ense will be reduc ed thereb y, the wo rk in Was hington incident to the verification for destruction of paid and canceled interm ediate credi t bank deben tures, farm l oan bo nds an d coup ons thereof, may, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, be perfor med by the o ffice of the Regis ter of the Tr easury , and the approp riation f rom which salaries of emplo yees in t he office of the for Register of the Treasury are paid may be reimbursed from this approp riation f or the ac tual expe nse of su ch work . Reimbursement service rendered . Treasurer's office . Treasurer, Assistant, an d offic e perso nnel . Redeeming Federal reserve and national currency. Office of Comptroller of the Currency . Com ptroll er, and of- fice personnel. Federal reserve and nat ional currenc y . Personal services ; re- imbursable. Internal Rev enu e Bureau. Collecting i nte rnal revenue . Commissioner en- eral counsel, ands ofce and field personnel . Out side r ent. Miscellaneous. Ser vices in the Dis- trict. Provisos . Witness fees . 72d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 212 . MAR CH 3, 1933 . OFFICE OF TREASURER OF THE UNITED STA TES S a la ri es : For Treas urer of t he United States A ssistant Treasurer , and for other personal services in the District of Columbia $1,145,840. For personal services in the District of Columbia, in redeeming Federal reserve and national currency, $332,746, to be reimbursed by the Federal reserve and national banks . OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLL ER OF THE CU RRENCY Sal aries : Comptroll er of the Currency and othe r persona l service s in the District of Columbia, $240,460 . For personal services in the District of Columbia in connection with Federal reserve and national currency, $51,280, to be reimbursed by the Federal reserve and national banks . BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE Collecting the internal revenue : For expenses of assessing and collecting the internal-revenue taxes, including the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, general counsel for the Bureau of Internal Reve- nue, an assistant to the commissioner, a special deputy commissioner, three deputy commi ssione rs, on e stam p agent (to b e reim bursed by the stamp manufacturers), and the necessary officers, collectors, deputy collect ors, attorneys, experts, agents, accountants, in spectors, clerks, janitors, and messengers in the District of Columbia, the several collection districts, and the several divisions of internal- revenue agents, to be appointed as provided by law, telegraph and telephone serv ice, rental of q uarters outside the District of Columbia, postage, freight, express 2 necessary expenses incurred in making investigations in connection with the enrollment or disbarment of practi tioner s befo re the Treas ury De partmen t in i nterna l-reve nue matters, expenses of seizure and sale, and other necessary miscel- laneous expenses, including stenographic reporting services, and the purchase of such supplies, equipment, furniture, mechanical devices, law book s and boo ks of ref erence, a nd such other art icles as may be necessary for use in the District of Columbia, the several collection distri cts, a nd the sever al div isions of int ernal- revenu e agen ts, $30 ,80 0,0 00, of which amount not to exceed $8, 275 ,00 0 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia : Provided, That no part of t his amoun t shall b e used i n defrayi ng the ex penses of any offic er des ignate d abov e, sub poenaed by th e Unit ed Sta tes court to attend any trial before a United States court or preliminary