Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1552

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 213 . MARCH 3, 1933 . wear, tear, and repair of vessels afloat ; general care and protection of the Navy in the line of construction and repair ; incidental expenses for vessels and navy yards, inspectors' offices, such as photographing, books, professional magazines, plans, stationery, and instruments for drafting room, and for pay of classified field force under the bureau ; services, instruments and apparatus, supplies, and technical books and periodicals necessary to carry on experi- mental and research York ; for payment of part time or intermit- tent employment in the District of Columbia, or elsewhere of such scientists and technicists as may be contracted for by the Secretary of the Navy, in his discretion, at a rate of pay not exceeding $20 per diem for any person so employed ; for the difference between inactive and active duty pay and allowances of members of the Fleet Naval Reserve transferred thereto after twenty years' naval service who may be employed as shipkeepers under the cognizance, of the Bureau of Construction and Repair ; for hemp,, wire, iron, and other materials for the manufacture of cordage, anchors, cables, galleys, and chains ; specifications for purchase thereof shall be so prepared as shall give fair and free competition ; canvas for the , manufacture of sails, awnings, hammocks, and other work ; interior appliances and tools for manufacturing purposes in navy yards and naval stations ; and for the purchase of all other articles or equipage at home and abroad ; and for the payment of la bor in equipping vessels therewith and manufacture of su ch articles in the several navy yards ; naval signals and apparatus, other than: electric, namely, signals, lights, lanterns, running lights,, and lamps and their appendages for general use on board ship for ill umi nat- ing purposes ; and oil and candles used in co nnection therewith ; bunting and other material for making and repairing flags of all kinds ; for all permanen t galley fittings and equ ipage ; ru g s, ca r pe ts , curtains, and hangings on board naval vessels, $15,434,800, of which $250,000 shall be available exclusively for the procurement and in- stallation of new tools and machinery for shops under the cog- nizance of the Bureaus of Construction and Repair and Engineer- Froeiro m

ing : Provided, That the sum to be paid out of this appropriation r .imlt on 9nm for Group IV ro> employ for em plo yees as sig ned to Gr oup IV (b) and those p erf orm ing similar services carried under native and alien schedules in the Sche dule s of Wages for Civil Employees in the Field Ser vice of the Navy Department shall not exceed $2,115,000 . Bureau of Ordnance .


ordnanee For procuring, producing, preserving, and handling ordnance a material, for the armament of ships ; for the purchase and manufac- ture of torpedoes and appliances ; for the purchase and manufacture of smokeless powder ; for fuel, material, and labor to be used in the general work under the cognizance of the Bureau of Ordnance ; for furniture at naval ammunition depots, torpedo stations, naval ord- nance plants, and proving grounds ; for technical books ; plant appli- ances as now defined by the "Navy Classification of Accounts "; for machinery and machine tools ; for accident prevention ; for experi- mental work in connection with the development of ordnance mate- rial for the Navy ; for maintenance of proving grounds, powder factory, torpedo stations, gun factory, ammunition depots, and naval ordnance plants, and for target practice ; net to exceed $15,000 for minor improvements to buildings, grounds, and appurtenances of a character which can be performed by regular station labor ; for pay- ment of part time or intermittent employment in the District of