Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1565

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 213. MARCH 3, 1933 . repair, purchase, or acquirement, by or from any private contractor . of any naval vessel, machinery, article or articles that at the time of the proposed repair, purchase, or acquirement can be repaired, manu- factured, or produced in each or any of the Government navy yards or arsenals of the United States, when time and facilities permit, and when, in the judgment of the Secretary of the Navy, such repair, purchase, acquirement, or production would not involve an appre- ciable increase in cost to the Government : Provided, That nothing herein shall be construed as altering or repealing the proviso con- tained in section 1 of the Act to authorize the construction of certain naval vessels, approved February 13, 1929, which provides that the f irst and each su cceeding alterna te cruis er upon w hich wor k is und er- taken, together with the main engines, armor, and armament shall be constru cted oI' man ufac ture d in the Gov ernm ent navy yar ds, nava l gun factories, naval ordnance plants, or arsenals of the United States, except such material or parts as are not customarily manufactured in such Gov ernm ent pla nts . NAV Y D EPA RTM ENT SALARIES 1541 Repa ir and equip- me nt at other than na vy yards, etc , re- stricted . Prom a. Construction, etc, of first and alternate cruisers, at Government yards, factories, etc ., required. Vol. 45, p 1165 . Navy Department Fo r compen sation f or person al servi ces in t he Distr ict of C olumbia, Salaries- as follows Office of the Secretary of the Navy : Se cretary of the N avy, Ass ist- and civi lian ~ ~ o ant Sec retary of the Nav y, and o ther per sonal se rvices, $177,400 .

in offices, etc., desig- General board, $11,513 .

nated. Naval examining and retiring boards, $9,717 . Compensation board, $7,975 . Office of Naval Records and Library, including employees engaged in the collection or copying and classification, with a view to publica- tion, of the naval records of the war with the Central Powers of Europ e, $3 5,970 . Office of Judge Advocate General, $117,087 . Office of Chief of Naval Operations, $69,423 . Board of Inspection and Survey, $17,454. Office of Director of Naval Communications, $123,272 . Office of Naval Intelligence, $36,978 . Bu reau of Na vigat ion, $ 454,7 45 . Hydrographic Office, $378,785 . Naval Observatory, including $2,500 for pay of computers on piece work in pre parin g for publ icatio n the Amer ican E pheme ris a nd Nautical Almanac and in improving the tables of the planets, moon, and stars, $169,576 . Bureau of Engineering, $302,457 . Bureau of Construction and Repair, $357,874. Bureau of Ordnance, $151,245 . B ureau of S upplie s and Acco unts, $768, 640 . Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, $75,208. Bureau of Yards and Docks, $28 1,335 . Bureau of Aeronautics, $263,420 . In all, salaries, Navy Department, $3,810,074 . In expending appropriations or portions of a ro riations con- salaries limited to Ph 1>

. . .r age rates und er tained in this Act, for the payment for personal services in the classification Act . District of Columbia in accordance with the Classification Act of u'S48c, l003. . VI, 1923, as amended, with the exception of the Assistant Secretaries p'Exception. of the Navy the average of the salaries of the total number of persons under any grade in any bureau, office, or other appropriation unit shall not at any time exceed the average of the compensation rates