Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1568

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fi2d CON GRES S. SESS . II. CHS. 214, 215. MARCH 3, 1933 . [C HAPT ER 214.1 March 3, I= .

JOINT RESOLUTION [s .J. Res . 228.] Au thori zing the A meric an N ation al Re d Cro ss an d cer tain other orga nizat ions to [Pub . Res., No . 6ˆ.7

exchange Government-owned cotton for articles containing wool . Res olve d by the Senate and Ho use o f Representatives o f the Government-owed United States of America in Congress assembled, That the American Exchange of, by National Red Cross or any other organization to which Government- C ro ss ocN ,f or nwool en owned cotton has been or shall hereafter he delivered pursuant to articles, authorized . law is hereby authorized, if it shall be deemed advisable, to exchange any such cotton for cloth or wearing apparel or other articles of clothing containing wool . Appr oved , Ma rch 3, 1933 . [CHAPTER 215.1 Mareh 8, i 9n.


T o pro vide fo r furth er inve stigatio n of ce rtain p ublic-ut ility c orporat ions en gaged [Pub. Res ., No . 66,

in interstate commerce . Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives of the Hrst a In terstat e and Committeeon n United States o America in Congress assembled, That for the ur- Commerce . F

pose of obtaining information necessary as a bsis for legislation, Members elect of the those members of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com- 73d Congress wthor- ized to further investi- merce of the Seventy-second Congress who are Members elect to the gateaeporatiotionsy

bltc-ntil- Seventy-third Congress, or a majority of them, after March 4, 1933, ity corpora and until the organization of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce of the House of the Seventy-third Congress, are authorized, as a committe :;, by subcommittee or otherwise, to con- tinue the investigation begun under authority of H . Res. 59 of the Selection o f chair- Seventy-second Congress . man, meetings, ate . SEC. 2 . For such purposes the committee is authorized to select a chairman, and the committee, or any subcommittee thereof, is authorized to sit and act at such times and places in the District of employ experts eLCgs' Columbia or elsewhere, to hold such hearings, to employ such experts and such clerical, stenographic, and other assistants, to require the attendance of su ch witnesses and the pro ductions of such books, Printing and bind- papers, and documents, to take such testimony, to have such printing and binding done, and to make such expenditure: as it deems neces- sary, and oaths or affirmations may be administered by any member of the committee . Service of subpoenas . SEC . 3 . Subpoenas 'shall be issued under the signature of the R . S., sees . 102-104, chairman and shall be served by any person d esignated b~~ him . P ' ..' US. C.,p.12. The provisions of sections 102, 103, and 104 of the TGevised Statutes (U. S. C., title 2, sets . 192, 193, and 194) shall be applicable with respect to any person summoned as a witness under the authority of this resolution in the same manner as such provisions are appli- cable with respect to any person summoned as a witness in the case of an inquiry before a committee of the House of Representatives . Payment of expenses . SEC . 4. The expenses of the committee, not to exceed $50,000, shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the House upon vouchers signed by the chairman and approved by the Com mittee on Acco unts . A ppro ved, March 3, 1933 .