Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1679

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xxx~ INDEX. Code of Criminal Procedure, Canal Zone-- Pag.. ' Colorado--Continued. Page. Continued. Uncompahgre reclamation project, Verdict--Continued. drainage sY8tem confJtruction upon, Reconsideration by jury, if for deferred ________________________ _ 76 •+. con"lC~lon __________________ _ Recording_______________________ _ Signing and sealing _______________ _ Special, to be in writing __________ _ Warrant-- Bench warrant- Form_________________________ _ ISl>ue oL______________________ _ Complaint filed preceding isslIe of__ Contents; execution of ___________ _ For arrest, execution _____________ _ Power to issue ____ ----- -- ----- ---- Weapons, depriving person under arrestoC____-_---------------- Witnesses- 892 892 893 891 886 885 881 881 886 881 886 Conditional examina.tion oL____ ____ 899 Defendants 88____________________ 399 District attorney to aubpama _ _ _ ___ 885 Examination oL __ ______________ 882, 885 Expenses oC ____________ _________ 898 Husband and v;ife___ _____________ 899 Right of defendant to_ _ ___________ 880 Rules to determine competency_____ 898 Coke, Coal, and Derivatives, tax on_____ 260 Cold Harbor, Va., appropriation available for survey of battlefield___________ _ Collilction of Tax. See Income Tax, Collection~. Collect-on-Delivery Fees. See Postal Service. Collector of Taxes, D. C. See District of Columbia. Colombia, appropriation for envoy ex- 541 traordillary, etc., to _____________ ';'76,1373 Colon, C. Z ., appropriation for water- works, sewers, and pavements ___ 695,1601 Colonial N ationaI Monument, Va.: Appropriation for- Administration______________ 125,851,852 Replacement of officers' quarters on Navy mine depot. ____ ___ ___ __ _ 126 Colorado: Appropriation for- Indians, support, etc., oL__________ 99, 10~ 111, 829,836,838 National forest administration___ 626, 1448 Grand Valley reclamation project, completion of construction author- ized; payment deferred__________ _ Issue of patents for certain lands in, authorized_____________________ _ Preference rights; payments, rules to be prescribed______________ _ School of Mines, land grant for_- - - - - - 76 156 157 141 Colorado River, appropriation for con- struction of Hoover Dam, etc., Boulder Canyon project__________ 535, 845 Colorado River Indian Reservation, Ariz.: Appropriation for irrigation_ _______ 100, 829 Deficiency appropriation for___________ 21 E.'{penditure of tribal funds for sup- port, authorized ________________ _ 335 Colorado School of Mines. See Colo- rado. Color Investigations, appropriation for _ 630, 1451 Color Standardization, appropriation for development. ___ __ __ ___ __ __ ___ _ 505, 1395 Columbia Hospital, D. C., appropriation for______________ ,- _____________ _ 371 C1)lumbia Institution for the Deaf, D. C ., appropriation for ____________ 131,359,857 Columbia Junior High School, D. C ., ap- propriation available for transfer of certain equipment to________________ 361 Columbia, Miss., bridge authorized across Pearl River at___________________ _ 775 Columbia Polytechnic Institute for the Blind, D. C ., appropriation fOf _____ _ 374 Columbia River: Bridge authorized across, at The Dalles, Oreg___________________________ 1552 Compact for apportionment of waters of, time extended_______________ _ 381 Time extended for bridging, at- Astoria, Oreg___ _____ __ __________ _ 799 The Dalles, Oreg_________________ 48,806 Columbus, Ohio, appropriation for care, etc., Confederate Cemetery, Camp Chase_________________________ 689,1595 Colville Indian Reservation, Wash., relief of homesteaders on_______________ _ 334 Comanche Indians, Okla.: Appropriation for- Payment to, from royalty iunds ___ 97,826 Industrial assistance_____ __________ 828 Combinations in Labor Disputes. See Injunctions in Labor Disputes. Commerce: Appropriation for- Promotion of, in foreign countries_ 499, 1390 Regulation oL____ ___ __________ ___ 462 "Commerce", construed in Rivers and lIarborsAct_____________________ _ 42 C6mmerce, Department of: Appropriation for- Aircraft in commerce___________ 498,1389 Air-navigation f&eilities_ ____ 499, 717, 1389 Census Bureau_________________ 502,1393 Coast and Geodetic Survey______ 509, 1399 Engineering work_______________ 717