Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1700

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INDEX. Ii Federal Farm Board-Continued. Page. Whc[.t and cott,on- Delivery of Government-owned, to Red Cross, directed __ 61,605,741,797 Accounting to be made to Congress_ 742 Appropriations made available____ 606 Federal Farm Loan Act Amendments: Board to authorize direct loans to bor- row€rs; security; rules; maximum amount; subscription to land bank stock__________________________ 1547 Rules and regulations by ___________ 14 Federal land banks-- Dividends, from net earnings_______ 13 Farm-loan bonds, participating in consolidated issue of; approval; payments; additional security ___ 1550 Exchange oL___________________ 1550 Loans-- Postponement of payments; terms; interest; unpaid taxes, etc_ ___ 1548 Reamortization of; deposit of mort- gage; costs assessment ___ 1548, 1549 Restriction on_____ ________ _____ 1548 Powers (jf- Extension of loans; amount able_______________________ 14 Real estate holdings_ ____________ 1548 Reserves, amount carried to; restora- tion of impairmenL___________ 13 Restrictions on- Loan direct to borrowers, added_ __ 1549 Security, additional, other than land-bank stock_____________ 1549 Retirement of original stock by sub- scriptions, etc ________________ _ Subscriptions for calJital stock of; terms;retiremenL- _- - - - - _- - - -- Appropriation authorized _____ - - -- Appropriation for __________ - - - - - - Unobligated balance for extension of loans, etc _________ - - - _- _-

Federal intermediate credit banks; acceptance of agricultural associa- tion drafts; security required ____ _ AssesEsments; payments if impair- ment of paid-in capitaL ______ - - Debentures; agreements for pay- ment; rules to be prescribed_ - - - Earnings; payments to surplus fund; restoration of impairments; fran- chisetaxes_______------------ Mortgages, purchase money mort- gages, acceptable as collateral se- curity_____________ ---- - - - - --- -- National farm loan associations, re- serves; impairment restored; divi- dends _________________________ _ Federal Farm Loan Board. See Federal Farm Loan Act. 12 12,13 13 36 1550 159 159 159 159 1549 13 Federal Farm Loan Bureau: Page. Appropriation for ________________ 584, 1493 Cooperation of Register's Office, Treas- ury; reimbursement for service rendered ____________________ 585, 1494 Examiners' expenses to be assessed against land banks, etc _ _ _____ 584, 1494 .Reports, records, etc., for Reconstruc- tion Finance Corporation_ _______ 714 Federal Highway Act Amendment, States permitted additional mileage con- struction_ ________________________ 722 "Federal Home Loan Bank", unauthor- ized use of term__________________ 739 Federal Home Loan Bank Act: Definitions- Bank distrirts to be created; eligible institutions; restriction_ _ _ _____ 726 Building, etc., associations eligible; restriction_ _________________ 727 Home mortgage loans; legal rate of interest, etc__________________ 727 Capital; stock sUbscription regulatiollS_ 727 Cash payment or four installments__ 728 Institutions not permitted by State laws to purchase stock; borrow- ing privileges; security; State au- thorization; limitation on ad- vances_______________________ 728 Unsubscribed capital to be taken by Secretary of Treasury; limitati'.m on amount___________________ 728 Reconstruction Finance Corpora- tion to furnish funds_ _ _ _____ 728 Retirement, transfer of stock; divi- dends _____________________ _ Membership withdrawals ___________ _ Management of banks; board of direc- tors; appointment; terms, etc ____ _ Examinations and studies by board__ Applications for advances; discretion- ary action ___________________ _ Advances to members and nonmem- ber borrowers; regulations_____ _ General powers and duties of banks __ _ Incorporation, corporate powers ___ _ Bank obligations exempt from taxa- tion; exception _______________ _ Acceptance s.s security__________ _ Not Federal obligations nor guaran- teed by United States ______ _ Designations as public money deposi- taries_______________________ _ Reserves and dividends ___________ _ Federal Board; composition, etc _____ _ Authority oL ___________________ _ Administrative expenses, sum author- ized; assessments ____________ _ Examinations and reports _________ _ 729 729 730 731 731 731 733- 735 735 736 736 736 736 736 737 737 738