Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1718

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INDEX. lxix Interior Department-Continued. • Page. Appropriation for-Continued. Indian Affairs, Bureau of-Contd. General suppert and administra- tion _____________________ 11 0, 838 Health conservation ___________ 108,836 Indian lands ___________________ 96,825 Industrial assistance, etc ________ 97, 826 Irrigation and drainage_ ________ Q9, 829 Probate matters, expenses _______ 90,824 Roads and bridges ____________ 112, 840 Water supply development______ 99, 828 Indian commissioners, expenses of _ 92, 822 National Park Service ___________ 121,848 Emergency construction on roads, etc________________________ 717 Fire prevention; insect controL _ 125, 852 Printing and binding ___________ 92, 821 Roads, trails, etc., repair_______ 125,852 Printing 2nd binding ______________ 92,820 Reclamation Bureau ____________ 114,841 Boulder Canyon project, construc- tion,etc _________________ 11~845 Investigations; information to settlers __ ________________ 117, 844 Irrigation projects, examination, operation, etc ____________ 115,842 Saint Elizabeths HospitaL ________ 130,856 Secretary, Office oL ______________ 91,820 Contingent expenses ____________ 91,821 Indian commissioners___________ 92,822 Printing and binding ___________ 92,821 Salaries ________________________ 91 Solicitor, Office oL _____________ 91, 820 Virgin Islands, temporary govern- ment for_____________________ 855 Deficiency appropriation for- Audited claims_ _ ___ ____ _____ ___ __ 30, 33,544,548,787,791,1617,1619 Damage claims ______________ 27,542,785 Geological Survey_____ ____________ 22 Alaska, investigation of mineral re- sources oL _________________ 22 Government in the Territories_ _____ 535 Indian Affairs, Bureau oL ___ 21, 532, 1608 Alaska, education and medical re- lief of natives in _________ 534,1608 California Indians, enrollment of __ 21 Education __ . _________ ____ 22,533,1608 Five Civilized Tribes, Okla., at- torneys, etc., for____________ 1608 Forest-fire suppression on reserva- tions______________________ 21 Hopi and Navajo Indians, reim- bursement oL______________ 1608 Improvements to lands, farm eq:.lipment, etc______ _____ _____ 532 Irrigation on reservations __ 21,533, 1608 Menominee advisory board, ex- penses oL__________________ 1608 Interior Department-Continued. Deficiency appropriation for-Contd. Indian Affairs, Bureau of-Contd. Pueblo Indians, N. Mex., compen- sation to __________________ _ Relief of indigent Indians _______ _ Sioux Indians, claims oL ________ _ Supplies, purchase and transporta- Page. ,'532 534 1609 tion_ ___________________ 532, 1608 Support, etc., of Indians_ ________ 22 Judgments _____________________ 542,543 National Park Service_____________ 22 Fire fighting, etc_______________ _ 22 Mesa Verde National Park, deep water weIL_________ _______ _ 22 Reclamation Bureau____________ 535,1609 Boulder Canyon project, construc- tion, etc __________________ _ Investigations, cooperative, etc __ _ Minidoka project, Idaho, refunds_ Palo Verde Valley, Calif., flood 535 1609 1609 protection_____ _____________ 535 Shoshone project, Wyo., repairs___ 1609 Alaska-- Bond issue for school building at Fairbanks____________________ 796 Duties, etc., of Road Commissioners transferred_ __________________ 446 Appropriation not available to pay in- cumbent appointed after approval of Act__________________________ 132 Cache Creek Indian Cemetery, Okla., patent to issue for portion oL____ 39 Canyon De Chelly National Monu- ment, description of land in- cluded in, amended______________ 1419 Chippewa Indians, territory in Minne- sota reduced____________________ 808 Contingent expenses, amount in- creased_________________________ 21 Crater Lake National Park, Oreg., lands added to ________________ 155,156 Employment of farmers in the Indian service_____ _____ ___ ______ ___ ___ 421 Field work appropriations available for hire of work animals, vehicles,etc_131, 858 Five Civilized Tribes of Oklahoma, restrietion on funds of. See Indians. Fort Hall Indir n Reservation, desert land laws applicable to ceded lands of_____________________________ 146 Freedmen's Hospital, balance continued available for addition to__________ 535 Hawaii- Appointment of acting secretary ____ 565 Immigration of aliens from Philippine Islands_ ______________________ 767 Homestead entries in public lands of widows of Indian war veterans____ 1424