Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1736

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INDEX. !xxxvii Navy Department-Continued. Pap. Deficiency appropriation for-Contd. Damage claims_______________ 27,542,785 Government i.'1 the Territories______ 1610 Alaska, of insane____________ 1610 Virgin Islands, repair of hurri(' damage____________________ 1610 Judgmeilta_ ____ __ __ __ __ _______ ___ 28, 542,543,785,786,1615,1616 National Park Service______________ 1609 Fire fighting, etc________________ 1609 p~'oposed Shenandoah National Park, Va" administrative, etc., expenses___________________ 1609 Navigation, BureauoL __________ 537,1611 Transportation and recruiting __ 537, 1611 Secreta.ry'sOffice ________ 24,536,783,1610 Claims for damages by naval vessels ___________ 24,536,783,1610 Supplies and Accounts, Bureau oL___ 537 ~aintenance___________________ 637 Sloan, James P., payment to_____ 637 Active duty pay and allowances not available to officers in excesc of fonr on retired list ________________ 431, 1530 Aerial flights by nonflying officers ___ 430, 1529 Appropriations, transfer on apprnval of the President___ ___ ____ _________ 411 Automobiles, transportation of p~'ivately owned_______________________ TarmstroBot (talk), 1532 Limitation, transporting at Govern- ment expense----- _____ _____ __ 405 Consolidation of activities common to War and Navy Departments------ 415 Cost limitation on certain vessel.. _ _ ___ _ 441 Disbursing officeTB may use certain receipts for current expenditures_ 433, 1532 Emergency construction, public works, reappropriation for___ ____ ______ _ 1539 Foreign fuel oil, restriction on use, etc., oL _________________________ 433,1533 Foreign products, etc., purchase of, for- bidden______________________ . 4 4 1, 1540 Gage standardization, cooperation with Bureau of Standards__________ 506, 1396 Increase of the Navy, sums available for technical services, etc _________ 441,1540 ~arines to supervise election in Nicara- gua, appropriation not to be used for sending_____ _______ ____ _____ 439 Medical detail' for care of patients of Veterans' Administration in naval hospitaL------- _____________ 432, 1531 Naval Academy. See Naval Academy. Obsolete naval property, gift of, to cer- tain veteran associations, author- ized___________________________ 1369 Officers, excess warrant and staff corps, toberetainedinNavy ________ 430,1529 Public works, consolidation of funds_ __ 435 3051"-3 3- -108 Navy Department-Continued. p .... Restrictions in appropriations for pay- ment of civilian employees waived as to Group IV (b) ____________ 536, 1522 Subsistence restriction_ ______________ 445 Travel by officers, midshipmen, and fe- male nurses, amountlimited for _ 432,1531 Vehicle restrictions; exemptions_ ___ 445, 1543 Veterans' Administration beneficiaries, transfer of funds for care, etc., of___ 470 Yards and Docks Bureau, contract of ~. H. Golden legalized__________ 537 Nebraska: Appropriation for- Indians, support, etc., oC 109,111,837,838 Nationalforest administration ___ 626,1448 Drainage district number 1, payment of expenses, enlargement of channeL 906 Nematology, appropriation for investiga- tions__________________________ 624, 1445 Netherlands, appropriation for envoy ex- traordinary, etc., to_____________ 476,1373 Net Income. See Income Tax. Nevada: Appropris.tion for- Indians, support, etc., oL___________ 99, 109,111,829,837,839 NationEu forest administration ___ 626, 1448 Newark, N. 1 .: rost-office site sale, authorized_ _______ 568 Sale of easement over, authorized_ __ 569 New Castle, Pa., time extended for bridg- inJ; Mahoning River a.t_ __ __ _ __ __ ___ 82 New Hampshire, appropriation for na- tional forest administration_ _____ 626, 144d New Jersey: Appointment of judge for judicial dis- trict oL________________________ 161 Compact with Pennsylvania for creation of Delaware River Joint Commis- sion___________________________ 308 ~orristown National Historical Park, establishmentoL _ ______________ 1421 New London County, Conn., conveyance of land in, to Connecticut authorized_ 341 New Mexico: Appropriation for- Indians, support, etc., oL___________ 99, 109, 111, 829, 837 National forest administration ___ 626, 1448 Grant of lands to, for Eastern Normal School_________________________ 75 Issue of patent for public land in, held under color of title_ __ __ ______ ___ 53 Sulphur, promoting production of, upon public dornain__________________ 701 William Robert Smith ~emorial Association, tablet by, at Elephant Butte Dam, authorized_ _________ 53