Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1738

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INDEX. lxxxix Northern Pa~Ule HaUbnt Ad-Contd. Page. Halibut fishing in closed season unlaw- ful; disposition of unintentional catch__________________________ 142 Port use; departures; etc., for violations unlawful_______________________ 143 Port entries; possession; landings of prohibited catch________________ 143 Penalties; patrols, searches___________ 143 Delivery of violating Canadians and vessels to Canadian authorities_ __ 143 Seizure and forfeiture of violating ves- sels_ __ ________________________ 144 Penalties not applicable to Commission_ 144 Duration of Act.______ ______ ______ _ 144 North Kona, HawaH, electric franchise grant in district of, approved_______ 61 North Platte Irrigation Project, Nebr.- Wyo., sum available for__________ 116,843 Norway, appropriation for envoy extraor- dinary, etc., to ________________ 476, 1373 o Oakwood Cemetery, Chicago, 111., appro- priation for care, etc., Confedemte ~ound _______________________ 689, 1595 Obsolete Naval Property. See Navy De- partment. Occoquan, Va., conveyance of portion of workhouse property at, authorized_ _ 302 Ocean and Lake Surveys, appropriation for______________________________ 1525 O'Connor, Charles, deficiencyappropria- tion for contested-election expenses_ 525 O'Connor, Vernon W., may bridge Rainy River at Baudette, ~inn__________ 62 08'enses. See Crimes and ~isdemeanors. Office of Legislative Counsel. See Legis- lative Counsel. Official Gazette, Patent Office: Appropriation for printing, etc., of_ 514, 1404 DeficieDflY appropriation for printing, etc., of _ _ _ __ __ __ __ _____________ 1607 Ollclal Insignia, unauthorized use of, prohibited_______________________ 342 Oglala, S. Dak., deficiency appropriation for repairs, etc., Indian schooL_____ 534 O'Hara, Pa., bridge authorized across Allegheny River between Sharpsburg and_____________________________ 1414 Ohio River: Bridge authorized across, at- Cairo, Ill_ ____ __ ____ ______ __ _____ 292 Owensboro, Ky___________________ 291 TUne extended for bridging, at- Cannelton, Ind___________________ 779 Shawneetown,Ill__________________ 1554 Sistersville, W. Va________________ 1557 Wellsburg, W. Va_________________ 699 OD and Gas. See al,o Minerals. Pace. Appropriation for investigations ___ 516, 1405 Leases on public lands, N. Dak., S. Dak., ~ont., and Wash., authorized_ 150 Naval Reserves, protection of Gov- ernment's interest in former ____ 527,781 Prospecting permits, extensions of time on____________________________ 445 Tax on oil _______________ .. __________ 259 Transportation by pipe line___________ 275 Oklahoma: Appropriation for- Indians, support, etc., ot. __ _ _ 109,111,837 National forest administration___ 626, 1448 Cache Creek Indian Cemetery, patent issue for portion of, authorized___ 39 Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations- Coal and asphalt deposits, lease of _ _ 88 Terms; conditions; payments_____ 89 Extensions, examination of records, etc________________________ 90 Five Civilized Tribes of. See Indians. Mangum, court facilities in Federal building_______________________ 1424 Manufacture, etc., of alcohol in Osage county, for lawful purposes, per- mitted____ ____ __ ______ ____ __ ___ 302 Fonca City, federal building at, to pro- vide facilities for district court____ 138 Wichita Indian Reservation, sale of cemetery reserves, authorized_____ 74 Wichita Indians, attorneys' fees in suits of, before Court of Claims_ __ ____ 87 Payments; deposit into Treasury ___ 88 Oklahoma City, Okla., repayment to, for approaches to post office___________ 539 Old Cotton Gin Port, Miss., bridge author- ized across Tombigbee River at_____ 775 Old Settler Cherokee Indians. See Cher- okee Indians. Oleomargarine: Regulations governing pac k age s, weights, branding_______________ 902 Sales by manufacturers, retailers, in original stamped pack&ges________ 902 Penalties_____ _________ __ __ __ _____ 902 Olympic Games, 9.dmission of alien par- ticipants____ __ __ __ ________ __ ____ _ 1 Omaha-ConncD Blul'8 Missouri River Bridge Board: Time extended for bridging Missouri River at- Florence, Nebr_ _ ____ ____ ___ ______ 606 Omaha, Nebr_____________________ 903 Omaha, Nebr., time extended for bridging Missouri River at. _ _ _ __ ____ __ __ ___ 290 O'Malley, Matthew V., payment to mother ot._______________________ 16 Optical, etc., GI888, appropriation for production investigation _________ 505, 1395