Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1748

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INDEX. . XCIX PubUc Roads, Bureau of-Continued. Pare. Highways, emergency appropriation for, continued______________________ 1457 Road and bridge flood relief, Georgia, South Carolina, and Alabama, balances available for _________ 635,1457 Tolls on publicly owned bridges to apply on construction costs_ _ ____ 1456 Vehicles, sum available for; restric- tion ________________________ 643,1456 Public Schools, D. C . Sea aUo District of Columbia. Authority of Superintendent of, to make appointments between meetings of Education Board________________ 134 Public School Section Grants. See Public Lands. Public Utilities Commission, D. C .: Licenses for operating passenger ve- hicles__________________________ 555 Powers and duties of, street railway merger_________________________ 752 Public-Utility Standards, appropriation for investigation________________ 505,1395 Public Works. See also Economy Acts. Appropriation for emergency construc- tion oL________________________ 716 Publishers, postage charge on notices to, of undeliverable second-class matter_ 709 Pueblo Indians, N. Mex.: Appropriation for- Irrigation systems, flood-damage re- pairs ______________________ 102,831 Land and water rights purchase, etc_ 825 Quieting titles to lands oL _______ 96, 825 Water supply development ________ 99,828 Deficiency appropriation for quieting title to lands, etc________________ 532 Balance available for conservation, etc., of lands oL_____________________ 102 Pu erto Rico: Appropriation for- Agricultural experiment station_ 613, 1435 American seamen, relief, etc., oL_ 478,1375 District court expenses, salaries of judges, etc_____________ 490,492,1382 Forest hlghways_ ____ __ ___ ___ __ __ _ 645 National forest administration___ 626, 1448 Postal equipment for use i.1- __ __ 603,1512 Resident Commissioner from ____ 386,1354 Vocational education, promotion oL 458 Deficiency appropriation for vocational education in_ _ _ __ _______ __ ____ _ 17 Federal Home Loan Bank Act provi- s~ons to include____________ "_ ___ 725 Loans to financial institutions, etc., by Reconstruction Finance Corpora- tion___________________________ 714 Name of island of Porto Rico changed to_ 158 Relief loans, terms on_______________ 710 Puerto Rlco-Continued. Resident Commissioners. See Congress. United States citizenship conferred on certain natives of Virgin Islands Pare. residing in_______________ . _ __ ___ 336 Vocational education, appropriation for fiscal year 1933_________________ 412 Pulaski Memorial Day, President to issue proclamation det'ignating October 11, 1932,aG_________________________ 571 Putnam, AmeUa Earhart, award of Dis- tinguished Flying Cross to, author- ized_____________________________ 571 ~amid Lake Reservation, N ev., appro- priation for irrigation system _____ 101,831 Q Quarantine Inspection Service. See Agriculture, Department of. Quartermaster Corps. See aUo War De- partment. Marin County, Calif., landing field, ap- propriations continued available_ _ 673 Motor vehicle restriction_ ___________ 672 Quinaielt Indian Reservation, Wash., Act authorizing land withdrawal for light- house, repealed ____________ "" ___ ___ 37 Quin, Perey E., payment to widow oL___ 525 R Radio Act of 1927, qualifications and citi- zenship of station operators_________ 160 Radioactive Substances, appropriation for investigation __________________ 507,1397 Radio Commission. See Federal Radio Commission. Radio Division. See Commerce, Depart- ment of. Radio Facilities, tax on________________ 270 Radio Receiving Sets, tax on ___________ 263 Radio Research, appropriation for ____ 505, 1395 Radiotelegraph Conference, International, Madrid, Spain: Appropriation for participation_______ 483 Balance available for ______________ 1378 Radiotelegrallhic Convention, Interna- tional, appropriation for contribu- tion ____ ~________________________ 1376 Railroads: Discriminations against certain. See Land Grant Railroads. Interstate Commerce Commission to investigate effect of application of six-hour day _ _ ___ ______________ 65 Loans to, by Reconstruction Finance Corporation___________________ 714 Interstate Commerce Commission approval_ ___________ ___ ___ __ 714 Reorganization of insolvent. See Bankruptcy Act.