Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1757

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... eVUI Secretary of the Navy-Continued. Commisskns issued in Navy, etc., rules governing, revocation within two years _____________________ _ Rank or officers determined under rules by--------------------- Fleet Naval Reserve, forfeiture of pay by member, failing to report for inspection ______________________ . "Hdena," gunboat, silver service of, loaned to Historical Society of ~ontana ______________________ _ " ~arietta ", gunboat, silver service of, loaned to Campus Martius ~e- morial ~useum ______________ .__ "~ontgomery", U. S. S., silver 1ervice of, to Alabama Society of Fine Arts__________________________ _ Naval prcperty, gift of, to certain MSO- ciations authorized_____________ _ Navy clothing; sale of obsolete; allot- ment to States_______________ • __ Navy equipment, loan of, inaugural ceremonies, 1933 _______________ _ Navy ration, limit of cos~ on destroyers, etc., to be nxed______ .______ .____. Savannah, Ga., transfer of Laval radio station________________________ _ Widows Island, ~e., tra1J.sfer by, authorized _______ .. ____________ _ Seereti&l'Y of the Treasury: Acquisition of sites for emergency construction; proceedings b~' ____ _ Agreements with foreign governments to postpone payment of indebted- ness authorized ________________ _ Banking business in District of Colum- bia, powers not impaired by reason of rules by Comptroller of the Currency _____________________ _ Bankruptcy, railroad reorganization, when United States a creditor____ _ Binghamton, N. Y ., exchange of Fed., eral building site at, authorized___ _ Chicago World's Fair Centennial, regu- lations governing importations for exhibition___________ - ______ - __ _ Dover, N. J ., exchange of Federal build- ing site at, authorized___________ _ Galveston, Tex., immigrant station to be transferred to Departmen:; of Labor by---------------------- Grand Central Station Post Office Building, N.Y., purchase au- thorized _______________________ _ Hibbing, Minn., public building site, reservation of mineral rights___ .. __ _ Home loan banks, subscriptions, etc., to, by. See Federal HOl!le Loan Bank Act. INDEX Pa&,e. 149 150 801 149 801 450 1369 75J. 794 1423 1482 751 722 3 1546 1478 1370 905 307 1613 656 66 Secretary of the Treasury-Continued. Huntsville, Ala., &.cqui.sition of site for public building, authorized ______ _ Income-tax returns, made available to Renate Committee on Banking and Currency _________________ _ Lawrence, ~ass., :'oRt-office site, ac- quisition of ada.::'.>nallandsfor___ _ ~angum, Okla., court facilities in Federal building_______________ _ Maxwell, Nebr., acceptance of donated property for Federal building site, authorized ____________________ _ Menominee Indians, per capita pay- ment to, at~thorized ____________ _ NaLmal ban~rs. l'0wer respecting, granted Comptr(;)ler d the Cur- rency_______________________ . __ _ NAwark, N. J ., post-office site, sale authorized______________________ _ Sale of easement over, authorized___ _ New York City, photographic studio, space in Federal building to be prll\rided ______________________ _ Northern Cheyenne Indian Tribal Cuuncil, sum authorized for ex- penses________________________ _ Oleomargarine and adulterated butter, regulations governing packaging, etc___________________________ _ Plattsburg, N. Y ., Federal building site, boundary to be established__ _ Ponca City, Okla., authorized to pro- vide facilities for district court in Fedeml building________________ _ Post offices, use of standard plans for__ Public building projects to be selected by--------------------------- . - Regulations governing importation of articles, temporarily exported, for scientific, etc., purposes_________ _ Relief Act, duties under. See Emer- gency Relief and Construction Act of 1932. Rockefeller Center, entry under bond of exhibits____________ ---- _____ _ Vocational rehabilitation, semiannual payments to Sta1es for__________ _ Washington City po~t office, control of ____________________________ _ Secretary of War: Aerial photographs for mapping pro- jects, 1;0 he furnished Interior De- pal'tment______________________ _ Alaska, estimates of appropriations for roads and trails to be submitted by Secretary of Interior____________ _ American Legion, loan of War Depart- ment equipment, authorized _____ _ Page. 1413 708 319 1424 1417 307 907 568 569 166 1569 902 66 138 724 718 1570 705 450 1419 120 446 298