Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/176

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152 May 9, 1932. [S . 3908.] [Public, No . 127.] Navigation on the Great takes . Vol . 28, p . 045, amended. U. S. C., p . 1061, amended. Steam veosels. Regulation o f lights . New matter. Proviso . Vessels buil t for New York State Barge Canal navigation. Effective date . Ma11,1932. y S . 283.] [Public, No . 128.] Fenwick Island, Del. Conveyance of cer- tain land on, for road • way . Description . Use by Lighthouse Service. Proviso . Reversion for non- user. 72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS . 175,176. MAY 9,11,1932 . [CHAPTER 175 .1 AN ACT To amend the Act entitled "An Act to regulate navigation on the Great Lakes and their connecting and tributary waters," approved February 8, 1835 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the first two paragraphs of rule 3 under the heading " Lights " in the first section of the Ac t entitle d "An Act to regul ate navig ation on the Great Lakes and their connecting and tributary waters," approved February 8, 1895 (U . S. C ., title 33, sec . 252), are amended to read as follows : "Rule 3 . Except in the cases hereinafter expressly provided for, a steam vessel when under way shall carry " (a) On or in; front of the foremast, or if a vessel without a fore- mast, the n in the fore part of the v essel, at a height above th e hull of not less than twenty feet, and if the beam of the vessel exceeds twenty fe et, then at a heig ht above the hull not less than such beam, so, however, that such height need not exceed forty feet, a bright white light so constructed as to show an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of twenty points of the compass, so fixed as to throw the light ten points on each side of the vessel, namely, from right ahead to two points abaft the beam on either side, and of such char- acter as to be visible at a distance of at least five miles


however, That such vessels built to navigate the New York State Barge Canal or other similar canals where the bridges prevent them from ca rrying the h eadlig ht at the he ight pr escrib ed her ein, s hall carry such headlight not less than twenty feet above the hull ." SEc. 2. This Act shall take effect April 15 . 1932. Approved, May 9, 1932 . [CHAPTER 176 .] AN ACT To provide fo r conveyance of a certai n strip of la nd on Fenwic k Island, Su ssex County, State of Delaware, for roadway purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Com merce 'is he reby a uthori zed to transf er and conve y by q uit- claim deed to the Levy Court of Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described parcel of land situate in Sussex County and being a part of the Fenwi ck Isl and Li ghthous e Rese rvatio n : A strip of land sixty feet wide and six hundred and sixty feet long, extend . ing from the west boundary line of the Fenwick Island Lighthouse Reservation to the east boundary line of the lighthouse reservation with the center line running parallel to and three hundred and thirty feet northerly from the east and west boundary line between the States of Delaware and Maryland, which boundary line is the southerly boundary of the Fenwick Island Lighthouse Reservation ; the same to be held and made available permanently by said Levy Court of Sussex County, State of Delaware, as a roadway under such rules and regulations as may be necessary and proper for the use thereof by th e publ ic, an d that the L ighthou se Ser vice s hall h ave an unrestricted right at all times to use the said roadway for the purposes of access to and egress from the lighthouse reservation Provided, That should the Levy Court of Sussex County, State of Delaware, fail to keep and hold the said strip of land for roadway purposes or devote it to any use' inconsistent with said purposes,