Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/186

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72d CONGR ESS. SESS. I. CHS . 197, 198 . MAY 20,1932 .' Recommendation by agreed upon : Provi ded, That prior to t he consummation of any Natio nal Capit al P ark transfe r here under such p ropose d tran sfer sh all be recom mended by and Planning Com- mission .

the National Capital Park and Planning Commission : Prov ided Report to Congress. further, That all such transfers and agreements shall be reported to Congress'by the authorities concerned . SEC. 2. Nothin g in this Act shal l be cons trued to repeal th e provi- sions of any existing law or laws authorizing the transfer of juris- diction of certain lands between and among Federal and District authorities, but all such laws sh all remain in f ull force and ef fect . Approved, May 20, 193 2 . Existing laws not affected. M 20, 1932 . a 4148 .] [Public, No . 144.] Lenaweo Coun ty, Mich . Consent gi ven to name Uni ted State s part y defendant in clearing title, etc ., to certain lands in. Description . Service of process. Notice to Attorney General . Force and effect of court decree . [CHAPTER 198 .1 AN ACT To permit the United States to be made a party defendant in certain cases . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the consent of the United States is given to be named a party in any suit which is now pending, or which may hereafter be brought in the courts of the State of Michigan having jurisdiction of the subject matter, for the purpose of clearing the title to, and removing liens from, all those pieces or parcels of land situate and being in the county of Lenawee and State of Michi gan, desc ribed as follows, to wit : j The west half northwest quarter section 35, township 5 south, range 4 east, containing eighty acres of land, be the same more or less . Also that tract beginning at the 'northwest corner of Maumee and Bou ghton Street s in t he vil lage o f Tecum seh, t hence along the west line of said Maumee Street north to the corner of Lave Baxter, unior's, land, thence west along said Baxter's land to the mill pond, thence southwardly along the east side of said mill pond to said Boughton Street, thence along the north line of said Boughton Street to the place of beginning, containing about thirty acres of land, be the same more or less . Also village lot 130 ; and also that tra ct of land beginning at the southwest corner of said village lot 130 and on the east line of Mill Street ; thence along the east line of said last- mention ed str eet so uthwar dly to the l ine bet ween v illage lots 126 and 127, thence along the said line last mentioned eastwardly to the east line of said lots ; thence eastwardly to the line between village lots 139 and 140 ; thence along said lots to Maumee Street ; thence north along the west line of said street to the line between village lots 133 and 134 ; thence along the south line of said lot 133 and of lots 132, 131, and 130 to the place of beginning, containing about ten acres of land, be the same more or less . SEC. 2. Service upon the United States shall be made by serving the process of the court, with a copy of the bill of complaint, upon the United States attorney for the eastern district of Michigan, and by sending copies of the process and bill, b registered mail, to the Attorne y Gene ral of the U nited States , at Wa shingt on, Di strict of Columbia . The United States shall have thirty days after service as above provided, or such further time as the court may allow, within which t o appe ar and answe r, dis claim, plead, or de mur . SEC . 3 . The final judgment or decree of the court in any suit brought under this Act shall have the same effect respecting the discharge of a purported mortgage given by Joseph W . Brown and Cornelia T . Brown, his wife, of the first part, to United States of America of the second part, dated November 21, 1835, and recorded on December 30, 1835, in the register of deeds' office of Lenawee County, Michigan, in Liber B of Mortgages, at pane 447, as may be provided with respect to such matters by the law oFthe State of Michigan .