Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/198

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72d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 209 . JUNE 6,1932 . INCOME TAX

SEC. 3. CLASSIFICATION OF PROVISIONS . Classification of pro- The provisions of this title are herein classified and designated visions. Designations.

as- Subtitle A-Introductory provisions, Subtitle B-General provisions, divided into Parts and sections, Subtitle C-Supplemental provisions, divided into Supplements and sections . Special classes of tax- SEC. 4. SP ECIAL CLAS SES OF TAX PAYERS . Appli

Th e appl icati on of the G enera l Pro vision s and of S upplem ents pphcationofgeneral provisions and supple- A to D, inclusive, to eac1i of the following special classes of tax- payers, shall be subject to the exceptions and additional provisions found in the Sup plement applicab le to such class , as follows Estates and trusts, (a) Estates and trusts and the beneficiaries thereof,-Supple- p .219.

ment E. Members of partner- ~b) Members of partnerships,-Supplement F. ships, p . 222. Insurance companies,

c Insurance companies, Supplement G. p 2

d) Nonresident alien individuals,-Supplement H.. Nonr eside nt aliens, p .228.

e) F oreig n corp orati ons,- Supple ment I. Foreign corporations, p .229g f) Individual citizens of any possession of the United States sions, Citizens not of cit ize ns posses- of who are not otherwise citizens of the United States and who are not United States, p .231. residents of the United States,-Supplement J . Citizens deriving large portion of income ( g) Individual citizens of the United States or domestic corpora- fr om United States tions, satisfyin g the conditions of section 251 by reason of deri ving possessions. a large portion of their gross income from sources within a possession post, p. 231,

of the United States,-Supplement J. China Trade Act (h) China Trade Act corporations, Supplement K. corporations, p .232 . General provisions .

SUBT ITLE B-GENERAL PROVI SIONS Rates of tax . Normal tax on indi- SEC. 11. NORMAL TAX ON INDIVIDUALS . vi at s. Rates on net income. Ther e shall be levie d, colle cted, an d paid fo r each t axable y ear upon the net income of every individual a normal tax equal to the sum of t he follo wing (a) 4 per centum of the first $4,000 of the amount of the net post, p . 184 .

income in excess of the cre dits aga inst net income provided in section 25 ; and (b) 8 per centum of the remainder of such excess amount . SEC. 12 . SURTAX ON INDIVIDUALS . (a) RATES of SURTAX .-There shall be levied, collected, and paid for each taxable year upon the net income of every individual a surtax as follows : . . Upon a net income of $6,000 there shall be no surtax ; upon net income s in excess of $ 6,000 and not in excess of $10,000, 1 per cen- tum of such excess .

- $40 upon net incomes of $10,000 ; and upon net incomes in excess of $10,000 and not in excess of $12,000, 2 per centum in addition of suc h excess . $80 upon net incomes of $12,000 ; and upon net incomes in excess of $12,000 and not in excess of $14,000, 3 per centum in addition of suc h excess . $140 upon net incomes of $14,000 ; and upon net incomes in excess of $14,000 and not in excess of $16,000, 4 per centum in addition of suc h excess . $220 upon net incomes of $16,000 ; and upon net-incomes in excess of $16,000 and not in excess of $18,000, 5 per centum in addition of such excess. Surtax on individ- uals. Rat es . Part I-Rates of Tax