Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/23

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LIS T OF PUBLIC ACT S AND RESOLUTIONS. xxv Page. Bridge, Rio Grande . AN ACT,To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Rio Grande at or near Rio Grande City, Texas


March 2,1933__

1421 Morristown National Historical Park, N . Js e stabl ishmen t . AN ACT provide for the crea- tion of the Morristown National Historical Park in the State of New Jersey, and for other purposes March 2,1 933__ 1421 Indian Service alternate budget, 1935 . AN ACT Providi ng for an alternate budget for the Indian ervice, fiscal year 1935 March 2,1933__ 1422 Navy ration . A N ACT To effect needed changes in the Navy ration March 2, 1933-- 1423 Impr oved Order of Red Men, charter amendment . AN ACT To amend section 6 of the natio nal charter of the Great Council of t he United St ates of the Improved Ord er of Red Men March 2,1933-_ 1423 Mangum, Okla ., public building . A N ACT Relat ing to the c onstruction of a Federal build- ing at Mangum, Oklahoma March 2,1 933__ 1424 Land grant railroads . JOINT RESOLUTION To amend the Act entitled "An Act to re- move existing discriminations incident to certain land grants and to subject them to the same conditions that govern other land grants of their class," approved February 14,1933 March 2,1933_- 1424 Idaho, replacing military structures . JOINT RESOLUTION For the relief of the State of Idaho March 2,1933__ 1424 Public lands, homestead e ntries . A N ACT To allow credit in connection with homestead entries to widows of persons who served in certain Indian wars March 3, 1933_- 1424 Intercoastal Shipping Act, 1933 . AN ACT Amending the Shipping Act, 1916, as amended, for the purpose of further regulating common carriers by water in interstate com- merce of the United States engaged in transportation by way of the Panama Canal

March 3,1933__ 1425 Irrigation projects, water users . A N ACT To extend the operation of the Act entitled "An Act for the temporary relief of water users on irrigation projects constructed and oper ated un der the rec lama tion la w," app rove d Ap ril 1, 1932 March 3, 1933__ 14 27 Indian irrigation p rojects. A N ACT To extend'temporary relief to water users on irrigation projects on Indian reservations, and for other purposes March 3, 1933__ 14 27 U.S . Code, obsolete s tatutes . AN ACT To repeal obsolete sections of the Revised Statutes omitted from the United States Code March 3, 1933__ 14 28 Appropriations, Department of Agriculture, fiscal year 1934 . AN ACT Making appropria- tions for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1934, and for other purposes March 3,1933_- 14 32 Bankruptcy. AN ACT To amend an Act entitled "An Act to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States," approved July 1, 1898, and Acts amenda- tory thereof and suppleme ntal thereto March 3, 1933-- 1467 Savannah, Ga ., naval radio s tation . A N ACT To authorize and direct the Secretary of the Navy to convey by gift to the city of Savannah . Georgia, the naval radio sta tion, the buildings and apparatus, located upon land owned by said city-- March 3, 193 3-- 1482 District of Columbia, bonds in criminal cases. A N ACT To regula te the busin ess of execu ting bonds for compensation in criminal cases and to improve the administration of justice in the District of Columbia March 3,1933-- 1482 Postal service, sworn statements . A N ACT To amend section 2 of the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations for the service of the Post Office Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1913, and for other purposes March 3, 1933__ 1486 War Department, deteriorated, etc ., ammunition . AN ACT To provide for the transfer of powder and other explosive materials from deteriorated and unserviceable am- munition under th e control of the War Department to the D epartment of Agricul - ture for use in l and clear ing, drai nage, ro ad buildi ng, and o ther agri cultural purposes

March 3,1933__ 1486 California State Park s ystem . A N ACT To provide for the selection of certain lands in the State of California for the use of the California State Park system--March 3, 193 3__ 1487 Settlement of War Claims Act of 1928, a mendments . A N ACT To authorize the assignment of awards entered by the Mixed Claims Commission, United States and Germany, the Tripartite Claims Commission, and the War Claims Arbiter_ _ _ _ March 3, 1933-- 1488 Uintah etc. Indians, Utah, payments. AN ACT For the relief of the Uintah, White River, and tincompangre Bands of Ute Indians of Utah, and for other purposes-March 3, 1933__ 1488 Appropriations, Treasury and Post Office Departments, fiscal year 1934 . AN ACT Making appropriations for the Treasury an d Post Office Depart ments for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1934, and for other purposes March 3, 1933 _ _ 1489 Appropriations, Navy Department and naval service, 1934 . AN ACT Making appropriations for the Navy Department and the naval service for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1934, and for other purposes March 3,1933__ 1521 Gover nment -owne d cot ton . JOINT RESOLUTION Authorizing the American National Red Cross and certain other organizations to exchange Government-owned cotton for artic les conta ining woo l March 3, 19 33__ 1544 Public Utility Corporations, in vestigati ons . JOINT RESOLUTION To provide for further investigation of certain public-utility corporations engaged in interstate commerce- _ _ _

March 3,1933__ 1544 River and harbo r imp rovem ents, cont ribut ions . JOINT RESOLUTION Amending provisions in river and harbor laws relating to local cooperation in the prosecution of wate rway imp rovem ents March 3, 19 33__ 1545