Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/283

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 209. J UNE 6,1932 . SEC. 530 . RU LES AND REGU LATI ONS . The Commission er, with the app roval of the Se cretary, shall p re- scribe and publish all needful rules and regulations for the enforce- ment of this title . SEC. 531 . DEF INIT IONS. For the purposes of this title- (a) CALENDAR YEAR.-The term " calendar year" includes only the calendar ye ar 1932 and succ eeding calendar years, and, in the case of the calendar year 1932, includes only the portion of such year after the date of the enactment of this Act . (b) PROPERTY WITHIN UNI TED STATES.-Stock in a domestic cor- poration owned and held by a nonresident shall be deemed property situated within the United States . SEC . 532. SHOR T TITLE . This title may be cited as the " Gift Tax Act of 1932' . TI TLE IV-MANUFACTURERS' EXCISE TAXES SEC. 601 . EXCISE TAXES ON CER TAI N ARTICLES . (a) In addition to any other tax or duty imposed by law, there shall be imposed a tax as provided in subsection (c) on every article imported into the United States unless treaty provisions of the United States otherwise provide . (b) The tax imposed under su bsection (a) shal l be levied, asse ssed, collected, an d paid in the s ame manner as a duty imposed b y the Tariff Act of 1930, and shall be treated for the purposes of all pro- visions of law relating to the customs revenue as a duty imposed by such Act, except that- (1) the value on which such tax shall be based shall be the sum o f (A) the dutiab le value (under section 503 of such Act) of the article, plus (B) the customs duties, if any, imposed thereon under a ny provision of law ; (2) for the purposes of section 489 of such Act (relating to additional duties in certain cases of undervaluation) such tax shall not be considered an ad valorem rate of duty or a duty based u pon or regulated in any manner b y the value of the article, and f or the purposes o f section 336 of such Act (the so -called flexible tariff provision) such tax shall not be considered a duty ; (3) such tax shall not be imposed upon any article imported p rior to the date o n which this titl e takes effect ; (4) no drawback of such tax (except tax paid upon the impor- tation of an article described in subsection (c) (4), (5), (6), or (7)) shall be allowed under section 313(a), (b), or (f) of the Tariff Act of 1930 or any provision of law allowing a drawback of customs duties on articles manufactured or produced with the use of duty-paid materials ; (5) such tax (except tax under subsection (c) (4) to (7), inclu- sive) shall be imposed in full notwithstanding any provision of law granting exemption from or reduction of duties to products of a ny possession of the United Sta tes

and for the purposes of

taxes under subsection (c) (4) to (7), inclusive, the term "United States " includes Puerto Rico. (c) There is h ereby imposed up on the followin g articles sold in the Uni ted States by the manufacturer or prod uce r, or imp ort ed into the United States, a tax at the rates hereinafter set forth, to be paid b the manufacturer, producer, or importer : ( 1)) Lubricating oils, 4 cents a gallon

but the tax on the articles

described in this paragraph shall not apply with respect to the importa tion of such ar ticles . GIRT TAXES Rul es and regula . tions. T o be prescri bed, etc . Definitions . "Calendar year." 259 Stock of domcstio corporation . Short title . "Gift Tax Act of 1932." MANUFACTURERS' EXCISE TAXES Taxes on certain arti- cles. Im por ted art icl es. Assessment, collect lion, etc., of tax . Vol.46,p. 590 . Co mpu tat ion of value. Vol.46,p. 73L Not cons idered rata of duty or regulating value of article . Vol. 46, pp. 725, 701 . Articles exempt . Drawback on articles of duty-paid materials not allowed . Vol. 46, p . 693. Tax on impor ts from possessions o f Uni ted Sta tes . Articles spect lled . Lubricating oils.