Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/318

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS. 225, 230. JUNE 9, 10, 1932 . road fund, or from paying all or any part of the cost of maintenance, repair, or operation of such bridge from the State road fund of the Coninlonwea .lth of Kentucky . Cooperative agree- SEC. 6. At any time before or after the completion of such bridge, meat with Illinois as to co nstru ction , maims• the Commonwealth of Kentucky, acting by and through the State nanos, eto . Highway Commission of Kentucky, and the State of Illinois, acting by and through the Illinois State Highway Commission, may enter into such cooperative agreement as may be agreed upon between said States, relating to the construction, financing, maintenance, and/or operation of such bridge, and the State of Illinois may acquire such interest in the bridge as may be agreed upon between said States, and upon such terns as may be agreed upon . All, however, subject to the limitations in this Act expressly provided or necessarily im lied . Amendment .

SEC . 7. The right to alter, amend, or -repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserve . Approved, June 9, 1932 . [C HAPTER 230 .] June 10, 1932 .

AN ACT [II . R .79.] T o provide for conve yance of a portion of the Li ston Rang e Rear Lig hthouse [Public, No. 159 .]

Reservation, New Castle County, State of Delaware, for highway purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and (louse of Representatives of the Liston Ran ge near United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Lighthouse Dela ware . of Commerce is hereby authorized to transfer and convey by quit- Portion of, conveyed claim deed to the State of Delaware the following-described parcel Way Delaware 01 high' of land situate in New Castle County and being a part of the Listo n Range Rear Lighthouse Reservation Description . Beginning at a p oint on the westerly side of the Liston Range Rear Light Station Reservation, Delaware, which point is the south- westerly corner of the lighthouse reservation as described in deed dated March 18, 1904, and from which the Liston Range Rear Light S tation towe r bear s nort h_ for ty deg rees ninete en min utes t en se conds e ast three hun dred and thir ty-on e an d sev enty -thr ee on e-hu ndred ths f eet, runn ing then ce fr om p oint of b eginn ing seve nty-f our degre es nine minutes true nine hundred and eighteen feet along the center line of the concrete roadway pavement (which is also the present southerly boundary line of the reservation) to the southeast corner of the lighthouse reservation, thence two hundred and eighty-eight degrees twenty-four minutes true fifty-three and five one-hundredths feet to a stone monument, thence two hundred and fifty-four degrees nine minutes true six hundred and seventy-eight and thirty-two one-hundredths feet along the present fence line approximately parallel to the center line of the concrete roadway pavement to a p oint, thence along a curved line with radius of approximately eleven undred and sixteen feet approximately parallel to the center line of the concrete roadway pavement about one hundred and sixty- eight feet to a stone moiirument on the westerly lighthouse reserva- t ion line, the nce one h undr ed an d ni nety- eigh t de grees twe nty-f our minutes true fifty-one and thirty-eight one-hundredths feet along the westerly boundary of the lighthouse reservation to the point of b egin ning, con tain ing s ixty -two hund redth s ac res more or l ess, the same to be held and made available permanently by said & ate as a public highway under such rules and regulations as may be necessary and pro ear for use thereof by the public . Use. by Lighthouse SEC .

The Lighthouse Service shall have an unrestricted right service .

at all times to use the said highway for the purpose of access to and