Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/361

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS. 284, 285. JUNE 28, 1932 .

337 "All Indians committing against the person or property of another fle ist of crimes modi- Indian or other person any of the following crimes, namely, murder, manslaughter, ra pe, incest, assa ult with intent to kill, assault with a dangerous weapon, arson, burglary, robbery, and larceny on and within any Indian reservation under the jurisdiction of the United States Gove rnmen t, inc ludin g righ ts of way runni ng thr ough the reservation, shall be subject to the same laws, tried in the same courts, and in the same manner, and be subject to the same penalties as are all other persons committing any of the above crimes within the exclusive j urisdiction of the United States : Provided, That an

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y Imprionment for India n who co mmit s the cr ime of r ape upon any fe male Ind ian rape p within the limits of any Indian reservation shall be imprisoned at the discretion of the court : Provided further, That as herein used the offense rape _ shall be defin ed in accordance with the laws of the State in which the offense was committed. "Th e forego ing shal l extend to pros ecutions of Indi ans in S outh Prosecutions in South o hDakota .p . 79 3, Dakota under section 329 of the U nited Stat es Cr iminal Code of amended. 1910 and section 549 of title 18 of the United States Code of 1926 ." U.S.C.,p . 504. Approved, June 28, 1932 . Offe nse d efin ed. [CHAPTER 285 .] AN ACT June 28, 1932 . To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to extend or renew the contracts of fs • 2364 .1 employment of the attorneys employed to represent the Chippewa Indians of [Public, No. 200.1 Minnesota in litigation arising in the Court of Claims under the Act of May 14, 1926 (44 Stat . 555) . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, Tha t the Se cretary of the Interior be, and hereby is, authorized to renew the contracts of employment heretofore entered into with the attorneys employed to represent the Chippewa Indians of Minnesota in the suits insti- tuted in the Court of Claims under authority of the Act of May 14, 1926 (44 Stat . L. 555), as amended, on a year-to-year basis but not to exceed three years, as the Secretary of the Interior may deem advis- able and for the best interests of said Indians . Said attorneys shall be entitled to such compensation for their services, in addition to that heretofore paid to them, as the Court of Claims in its discretion may allow from any amount recovered in any such suit, which co m- pensa tion shall not e xceed the sum of 5 per centum cf any such recovery for the attorney for the C hippewa of White Earth Reser- vation and a like compensation for the firm of attorneys employed by the other ban ds of Chippewa In dia ns of Minnesota : Provided, however, That t he Secre tary of the Inte rior sha ll conti nue to p ay out of tribal funds belonging to the Chippewa Indians all actual and necessary expenses incurred by said attorneys in such litigation as authorized by and subject to the limitations contained in the Act of April 11, 1928 (45 Stats . 423) : And provided further, That the comp ensation and exp enses of the att orney or firm of attorney s employed under existing law to represent the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians of Minnesota shall be paid out of any money to the credit of said Indians in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated . Approved, June 28, 1932 . 3051 1 -33--22 Chippewa In dians of Minn esot a . Prosecution of claims for relinqui shed lands . Vol. 44, p . 555; Vol. 45, p.424. Contracts with at- torneys renewed . Comp ensa tion . Limitation. Prorisos. Expenses of attor- ne ys . Pa yme nt to attor- neys representing Red Lake Band .