Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/402

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I . CH. 308 . JUNE 29, 1932 . maintenance of water meters on Federal services, purchase, care, repair, and operation of vehicles, including the purchase and exchange of one passenger-carrying motor vehicle at a cost not to exceed $650 ; purchase and repair of rubber boots and protective apparel, and for each and every purpose connected therewith, $462,450. Dalecarlia, booster For construction of a booster pumping plant at Dalecarlia Reser- pumping plant .

voir inle t, includ ing equip ment, $15 0,000 . Control of Secretary Nothing herein shall be construed as affecting the superintendence of war not affected . and con trol o f the Secret ary of War o ver the Washi ngton Aquedu ct, its rights, appurtenances, and fixtures connected with the same and over appropriations and expenditures therefor as now provided by law. Revenue, inspection, For revenue and inspection and distribution branches : For personal and dis tributi on,

services, $187,880. Operating expenses. For maintenance of the water department distribution system, inclu ding pumpi ng s tatio ns an d ma chine ry, w ater main s, va lves, fi re and pu blic hydr ants, and all buil dings an d accesso ries, and motor trucks and the replacement by purchase and/or exchange of the following motor-propelled vehicles : Two seven-hundred-and-fifty- pound trucks not to exceed $1,000, two one-and-one-half-ton trucks not to exceed $2,400, two three-ton trucks not to exceed $7 .000, one five-to n truc k not to exc eed $4 ,500, and two one-a nd-one -half- ton trucks not to exceed $1,500 ; purchase of fuel, oils, waste, and other materials, and the employment of all labor necessary for the pro er execution of this work ; and for contingent expenses, including books, blanks, stationery, printing and binding not to exceed $2,000, post- age, purchase of technical reference books, and periodicals, not to exceed $75, and other necessary items, $7,500 ; in all for maintenance, $366,000, of which $30,000 shall be available for cont inuing a survey of water waste in the distribution system ; including personal serv- ices, and $5,000 shall be available only for operation of pumps at Bryant Street pumping station upon interruption of service from Dalecarlia pumping station . Distribution ox- For extension of the water department distribution system, laying penses '

of su ch se rvice mai ns as may be n ecess ary u nder the asses sment system, $ 275,000, to be imm ediately available . Meters . For installing and repairing water meters on services to private residences and business places as may not be required to install meters under existi ng reg ulatio ns, as may be direc ted by the c om- missioners ; said meters at all times to remain the property of the District of Columbia, $130,000 . Hydrants.

For installi ng fire a nd public hydrants , $25,000 . For replacement of old mains and divide ; valves in various loca- tions, on acc ount o f inad equate size and bad condi tion o f pipe on account of age, and laying mains in advance of pavements, $150,000, to be immediately available . New mains. For nine thousand three hundred feet of forty-eight-inch water main from the vicinity of Fifth and Upshur Streets northwest to Georgia Avenue and Military Road northwest, $345,000 . Construction worlr, SEa . 2 . That the services of draftsmen, assistant engineers, level- etc ., uner Commis- ~ sinners n ers, transitmen, rodmen, chainmen, computers, copyists, overseers, and inspectors temporarily required in connection with sewer, water, street, street-cleaning, or road work, or construction and repair of buildings and bridges, or any general or special engineering or construction work authorized 'by appropriations may be employed exclusively to carry into effect said appropriations when specifically and in writing ordered by the commissioners, and all such necessary expenditures for the proper execution of said work shall be , paid