Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/407

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72d CONGRESS . SESS.I. CH. 314. JU NE 30, 1932 .

383 tion is held by the present incumbent ; assistant financial clerk, $4,200 and $600 additional so long as the position is held by the present incumbent ; minute and Journal clerk, $4,500 and $1,000 additional so l ong as the position is held by the present incumbent

p rinci-

pal clerk, $3,840 ; legislative clerk, enrolling clerk, and printing clerk at $3 ,540 each ; chief bookkeeper, $3,600 ; librarian, $3,360 ; executive cler k, file clerk, and assistant Jo urnal clerk at $ 3,180 each ; fir st assistant librarian, and keeper of stationery at $3,120 each


librarian, $2,460 ; skilled laborer, $1,740 ; clerks-two at $3,180 ea ch, one $2,880, on e $2,760, two at $2,400 each, two a t $2,040 each ; two assistant keepers of stationery at $2,040 each

assistant in

stationery room, $1,740 ; me ssenger in librar y, $1,560

special officer,

$2,460 ; assistan t in library, $2, 040 ; laborers-two at $1,620 each, three at $1,38 0 each, one in st ationery room, $1,680 ; in all, $118,520 . DOCU MENT R OOM Salaries : Supe rintendent, $3,9 60 ; first assistant, $3,360 ; se cond assistant, $2,700 ; assistant, $2,040 ; two clerks, at $2, 040 each ; skilled laborer, $1,740 ; in all, $17,880 . Document room. Superintendent, etc . COMMITTEE EMPLOYEES

committee employ- ees. Clerks and messengers to the following committees : Ag ricu ltu re Clerks and messen- and Forestry-clerk, $3,900 ; assistant clerk $2,880 ; assistant clerk, m

tteedesignated com-

$2,580 ; assistant clerk, $2,400 ; assistant clerk, $2,220

additional clerk, $1,800 . Appropriations-clerk, $7,000 and $1,000 additional so Ion as the position is held by the present incumbent ; assistant clerk, 4,200 ; assistant clerk, $3,900 ; three assistant clerks at $3,000 each ; two assistant clerks at $2,220 each ; m essenger, $1,800 . To Aud it and Cont rol the Con ting ent Expe nse s of the Sen ate -cle rk, $3,900 ; assistant clerk, $2,580 ; assistant clerk, $2,400 ; assistant clerk, $2,220 ; addition al clerk, $1,800 . Banking and Currency-cler k, $3,900 ; assistant clerk, $2,880 ; assistant clerk, $2,400 ; assistant clerk, $2,220 . Civil Service-clerk $3,900 ; assistant clerk, $2,400 ;, assistant clerk, $2,220 ; additional clerk, $1,800 . Claims-clerk, $3,900 ; assist- ant clerk, $2,880 ; assistant clerk, $2,580 ; two assistant clerks at $2,220 each. Com merc e-c lerk , $3,900 ; assistant clerk $2,880 ; assistant clerk, $2,580 ; assistant clerk, $2,400 ; assistant clerk, $2,220 . Co n- ference Majority of the Senate-clerk, $3,900 ; assistant clerk, $2,880 ; two assistant clerks at $2,580 each ; assistant clerk, $2,220 . Confei enc e Minority of the Senate-clerk, $3,900 ; assistant clerk, $2,880 ; two ass ista nt clerks at $2 ,580 each ; assistant cle rk, $2,2 20 . D istr ict of Columbia-clerk, $3,900 ; two assistant clerks a t $2,880 each ; a ssis tant clerk $2,220 ; additional clerk, $1,800 . Education and Labor-clerk, $3,900 ; assistant clerk, $2,580 ; assistant clerk, $2,220 ; additional clerk, $1,800 . Enrolled Bills-clerk, $3,900 ; assistant clerk, $2,400 ; assistant clerk, $2,220 ; additional clerk, $1,800 . Expendit ures in the Exe cutive Depa rtm ents -cle rk, $3, 900 ; assi stan t cl erk, $2, 580 ; assistant clerk, $2,220 ; additional clerk, $1,800 . Fi nan ce-c lerk , $4,200 ; special assist- ant to the -committee, $3,600 ; assistant clerk, $2,880 ; assistant clerk, $2,700 ; a ssis tant cl erk, $2, 400 ; two assistant clerks at $2,220 each ; two ex pe rts (one for majority and one for the minority) at $3,600 each ; messenger $1,800 . Foreign Relations--clerk, $3,900 ; assistant c le rk , $ 2 ,8 8 0 ; assistant cl erk, $2,580 ; assistant cler k, $2,220 ; ad diti onal clerk, $1,800 ; messenger, $1,800 . Immigra tion-clerk, $3,900 ; assist- ant cl erk, $2, 580

assistant clerk, $2,220 ; ad diti onal cl erk, $1, 800 . Indian Affairs-clerk, $3,900 ' assistant clerk, $2 880 ; assistant clerk, $2,400 ; assistant clerk, $2,220 ; additional clerk, 1,800 . Inte roce anic