Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/43

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12d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 12. FEBRUARY 2, 1932 .

19 required for the preparation of plans for the construction of said incinerators is hereby increased to $35,000, to enable the commis- sioners to pay for services not exceeding $10,000 in addition to the amount of $25,000 for such services as set forth in the existing contract of June 13, 1930 . PUBLIC SC HOOLS

Public schools . Instruction of the Deaf : For an ad ditio nal a moun t for main te- Instruction of the nance and instruction of colored deaf-mutes of teachable age belong- Deaf. ing to the District of Columbia, in Maryland, or some other State, under a c ontract t o be ente red into by the co mmissione rs, fisca l year 1932, $250 : Provided, That all expenditures under this appropriation Disbursement . went . shall be made under the supervision of the Board of Education . Fur nitur e : For f urnish ing an d equi pping buildi ngs and addit ions Furniture . to buildings and stadiums, as follows : Dunbar High School sta- andsa~ buildings dium, $1800 ; Western High School stadium, $2,900 ; Key School, $4,000 ; ~toddert School, $8,000 ; Hearst School, $8,000 ; Janney School, $5,000 ; Orr School, $4,000 ; Hine Junior High School, $9,000 ; Macfarland Junior Nigh School, $22,000 ; Paul Junior High School, $10,000 ; Randall Junior High School, $6,300 ; in all, fiscal years 193 2 and 193 3, $81,00 0 . METRO POLITAN POLI CE

Metrop olitan police . House of Detention : For alterations and improvements to num- House of Detention . ber 2 police precinct station house to fit it for use as a house of Alterations and im . provements . detention, including the expense of removing and relocating cell blocks and other equipment and the cost of additional equipment ; and for necessary changes in number 3 police precinct station house to make it available for use as a police inspection district head- quarters, such work to be performed by day labor or otherwise, in the disc retion of the comm issioners , fiscal year 193 2, $12,00 0 . COURTS Printing and Binding : For an additional amount for printing Print ing an d bind . and binding for the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals of the Dist rict of C olumbia, except re cords an d briefs in cases in which the United States is a party, fiscal year 1932, $1,500. PUBLIC WFT .FARE Courts . Public welfare . Gallinger Municipal Hospital : Not exceeding $7,680 of the appro- Hospital . er Municipal priation of $10,000 contained in the District of Columbia Appro- Personal services . priation Act for the fiscal year 1932 for the isolating ward for minor vol. 48, p.1399. contagious diseases at Providence Hospital is hereby authorized to be transferred to and made a part of the appropriation for personal services, Gallinger Municipal Hospital, fiscal year 1932 . Hospital for the Insane : For an additional amount for deporta- Hospital for the In . tion of nonre sident insan e pers ons, i n accor dance with t he Act of neportation of non- Congress "to change the proceedings for admission to the Govern- r vol .30,pa8,1 . ment Hospital for the Insane in certain cases, and for other pur- poses," approved January 31, 1899 (D . C . Code, title 16, see . 17), including persons held in the psychopathic ward of the Gallinger Municipal Hospital, fiscal year 1932, $3,000 . Relief of the oor : For an additional amount for payment to Relief of the poor. beneficiaries named in section 3 of an Act entitled "Au A ct making ch Abandoned is ire or it a misdemeanor in the District of Columbia to abandon or willfully Vol. 34, p.87. neglect to provide for the support and maintenance by any person of his wife or his or her minor children in destitute or necessitous