Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/431

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 314 . JUNE 30,1932.

407 TEMPORARY ASSIGNMENTS IN PO STAL SERVICE SEC . 214. During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1933, the Post- m aster General may, when the inte rest of the serv ice re quire s, temporarily assign any clerk to the duties of carrier or any carrier to the duties of clerk, and in an emergency may assign any Post Office employee to the duties of a railway posta l clerk, or any r ail- way postal clerk to the duties of a Post Office employee without change of pay roll status . ANNUAL LEAVE WITH PAY REDUCED TO FIFTEEN DAYS Annual leave with pay red uced to fiftee n days. SEC . 215. Hereafter no civilian officer or, employee of the Govern- 'Sundaysandholidays ment who receives annual leave with pay shall be granted annual excluded . a=post, p . 1515. leave of absence with pay in excess of fifteen days in any one year, Provisos. exclud ing S unday s and legal holid ays : Provided, That the part Cumulat ive lea tie . unused in any year may be cumulative for any succeeding year : Services in Canal Pro vid ed fur the r, That nothing herein shall apply to civilian Offi- Zone and Foreig n sere . cers and employees of the Panama Canal located on the Isthmus and tinenta ice vis l ors United outside States. es. who are American citizens or to officers and emp loyees of the For eign Services of the United States holding official station outside the continen tal Unit ed State s : Provided further, T hat no thing here in fe lick leave not af- shall be construed as affecting the period during which pay may be allowed under existing laws for so-called sick leave of absence Provided further, That the so-called sick leave of absence, within lee eiulabstencen sick the limits now authorized by law, shall be administered under such regulations as the President may prescribe so as to obtain, so far as practicable, uniformity in the various executive departments and independent establishments of the Government . FURLOUGH OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES DURING FISCAL YEAR 1933 SEC . 216 . In order to keep within the appropriations made for Furlough of Govern- ment employ ees du r- the fiscal year 1933, the heads of the various executive departments mg fiscal year 1533. and i ndepe ndent estab lishm ents of the Unit ed Sta tes G overn ment and the municipal government of the District of Columbia are hereby authorized and directed to furlough, without pay, such employees carried on their respective rolls, such time as in their judgment is fligher brac kets first. necessary to carry out said purpose without discharging such employees, the higher salaried to be furloughed first whenever pos- pr oviso. sible without injury to the se rvice : Provided, That rules and re u- of provisions . application lations shall be promulgated b y the President with a view to s ecuring uniform action by the heads of the various executive departments post, p.1514. and independent Government establishments in the application of the prov ision s of this sect ion . TITL E II I-MI SCEL LANE OUS PRO VISI ONS P HILI PPINE SCO UTS SEC. 301 . The President is authorized at any time to disband the bAut horit y to d is- Philippine Scouts or to reduce the personnel thereof . LIMITATIONS ON EXPENDITURES FOR PRI NT ING AND BI NDI NG, PAPER, AND Limitations on r+a- penditures. STATIONERY SEC . 302 . During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1933, not more bin drn pr inting and than $8,000,000 shall be obligated for printing and binding for the Maminumallowance . use of the U nited St ates and the Dis trict of Columbia done at the Temporary assign- ments in postal service . Interchanging of em- pl oyees authori zed . Miscellaneous provi- sions . Phili ppine S couts .