Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/508

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484 Panama . Annual payme nt to . Vol. 33, p. 2238. International Ilydro- graphic Bureau . Somerset Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa . International Trade Mark Registration Bu- reau . Share of expenses . Vol. 39, p.1682; Vol. 41, p. 533. Industrial Property Union . Panama General i laim s Comm ission . Post, p.1915. R. S.,sec. 3709, p. 73 3. U.S. C.,p. 1309. Vol.44,p.688. U. S. C., Supp. V, p.40. 72d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 361. JULY 1, 1932 . motor-propelled and horse-drawn passen ger-car ryin~g vehicles, $82,000, to be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary of State, who is authorized to transfer to any department or Inde- pendent establishment of the Government, with the consent of the head thereof, any part of this amount for direct expenditure by such department or estab lishment for the pur poses of this appropr iation . PAY ME NT TO THE GOVERNMENT OF PANAMA To enable the Secretary of State to pay to the Government of Panama the twenty-first annual payment, due on February 26, 1933 from the Government of the United States to the Government ol Panama un der artic le 14 of the treat y of Nove mber 18, 1903, $25 0,000 . INTERNATIONAL HYDROGRAPIIIC BUREAU For the annual contribution of the United States toward the maintenance of the International Hydrographic Bureau, $5,790 . FOREIGN HOSPITAL AT CAPE TOWN For annual contribution toward the support of the Somerset Hospital (a foreign hospital), at Cape Town, $50 to be paid by the Secretary of State upon the assurance that suffering seamen and citizens of the United States will be admitted to the privileges of said hospital . INTERNATIONAL TRADE-MARK REGISTRATION BUREAU, QUOTA OF UNITED STATES For the annual share of the United States of the expenses for the maintenance of the International Trade-Mark Registration Bureau at Habana, in conformity with the convention of February 20, 1929, $14,3 30 .20 . INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF TITE UNION FOR THE PROTECTION OF INDUSTR IAL PROPERTY For the s hare o f the United State s in t he expe nse of condu cting the International Bureau of the Union for the Protection of Indus- trial Property, at Berne, Switzerland, $1,350. GENERAL CLAIMS COMMISSION, UNITED STATES AND PANAMA General Claims Commission,, United States and Panama : For the expenses of the United States in the arbitration of the claims pur- suant t o the claims conve ntion betwee n the U nited States and P an- ama, signed July 28, 1926, including the share of the United States in the joint expenses of the two Governments under the terms of the convention ; salaries, without reference to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, of the American commissioner, the American secretary, special counsel, stenographers, translators, other assistants and emp loyees and r ent in the D istric t -of C olumbi a and elsewh ere stenographic reporting and translating services, by contract it deemed necessary without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U . S. C ., title 41, sec . 5) ; traveling expenses and sub- sistence or per di em in lie u of subs istence ( notwithst anding th e pro- visions of th e Subs istenc e Expe nse Ac t of 1926 or regulations pre- scribed pursuant thereto) ; pu rchase of ne cessar y ,boo ks and docu- ments ; stationery ; official cards ; printing and binding ; and such