Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/518

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72d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 361. JULY 1, 1932 . MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL SERVICE Medical and hospital For medical relief for, and incident to the care and maintenance Ser viC e.

of, inmates of penal and correctional institutions, including personal Public Health Serv- ice details .

services in the Di strict of Columbia and else where, an d not to exceed . $60,568 for pay and allowances of regular commissioned officers of the Public Health Service, and including medical, surgical, and hos- Medical appliances . pital supplies, materials, equipment, and appliances, together with applia nces n ecessa ry for patie nts, $ 312,000 , whic h amou nt, in the Transfer of tunas . discretion of the Attorney General, may be transferred to the Public Health S ervice fo r direct expenditu re under the laws , appropr iations, s mo4 personal ser ° and rof lations governing the Public Health Service : Provided, vices .

That this appro priati on not to ex ceed $ 191,000 may b e expe nded for personal services . Le ave nwo rt hea enwor,' Kans .

United States penitentiary, Leavenworth Kansas : For the United Maintenance . States penit entiar y at L eavwor th, Ka nsas, i ncludi ng not to ex ceed $657,608 for salaries and wages of all officers and employees, $1,645,000 . Building construe ° For construction and repair of buildings, including the purchase tion, etc . and installation of machinery and equipment, and all expenses inci- dent thereto, to be expended so as to give the maximum amount of employment to inmates of the institution, $8,000 . Main's mnce Atlanta, oa .

United States penitentiary, Atlanta, Georgia : For the United . States penitentiary at Atlanta, Georgia, including not to exceed $390 ,000 for salar ies and w ages of al l of ficer s and emp loyee s, $1,045,000 . t ion, etc,

construe- For construction and repair of buildings, including the purchase and installation of machinery and equipment, and all expenses incid ent th ereto, to be expen ded so as to give t he max imum a mount of emp loyment t o inmates of the i nstitutio n, $8,500 . wash rreu Island, United States penitentiary, McNeil Island, Washington : For the Maintenance . United States penitentiary at McNeil Island, Washington, including not to exceed $200,000, for salaries and wages of all officers and employees, $428,500 . tt on B ,etc. Building construe- For construction and rep air of buildings, including the purchase and installation of machinery and equipment, and all expenses inci- dent thereto, to be expended so as to give the maximum amount of Nort heaste rn Peni- employment to inmates of the institution, $32,000. tenciary .

United States Northeastern Penitentiary : For the United States tiuna Maintenance, etc ° penitentiary in the Northeast, including not to exceed $244,000 for salaries and wages of all officers and employees, $440,000 . - nrsWomen . nstitu' Federal Industrial Institution for Women, Alderson, West Vir- Maintenance .

ginia : For. the Federal Industrial' Institution frog Women at Alder- son, West Virginia, including not to exceed $137,000 for salaries and Industrial Reforms- wages of all officers and employees, $300,000 . tort.

United States Industrial Re orgiatory, Chillicothe, Ohio : For the Maintenance, etc . United States Industrial Reformatory at Chillicothe, Ohio, includ- ing not to e xceed $26 0,000 for salaries and wage s of all officers and employees, $634,000. Con struct ion, et c .

Construction : For the remodeling and construction -of the neces- Us et. "psio. sary buildings and appurtenances, purchase of mechanical equip- ment, and other expenses incident to the construction of buildings in accordance with the provisions of "An Act for the establishment of a United States Industrial Reformatory," approved January 7, 1925 (U. S . C., title 18, sec . 832), to be expended under the direction and upon the written order of the Attorney . ,General,or .. his' author- ized representative, by contract or purchase of material and hire of labor and services and utilization of labor of United States prisoners, as the Attorney General may direct, $521,000, to be immediately