Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/552

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528 Contingent expenses . Judi cial e xpens es . Gen eral a dvert ising . Health Department . aar tleld Hospi tal . Garfield Hospital, isolating ward : For an additional amount for isolating wards for minor contagious - diseases at Garfield Memorial Hospital, maintenance, fiscal year 1932, $10,000, or so . much thereof as in the opinion of the commissioners may be necessary . Iso lating ward . Courts and prisons.

COURTS AND PRISONS Support of convicts .

Support of convicts : For an additional amount for support, main- tenance, and transportation of convicts transferred from District of Columbia, including the same objects specified under this head in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1931, $12,566 .17 . Writs of lunacy : For expenses attending the execution of writs de l unati co i nqui rendo and comm itme nts t here unde r in all cases of indigent insane persons committed or sought to be committed to Saint Elizabeths Hospital by order of the executive authority of the District of Columbia under the provisions of existing law, and expenses of commitments to the District Training School, including personal services, fiscal year 1931, $1,029 .29. Miscellaneous court expenses : For such miscellaneous expenses as inay be authorized by the Attorney •General for the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia and its officers, including the same objects specified under this head in the Acts making appropriations for the District of Columbia for the fiscal years that follow For 1931, $15,080 .31 ; For 1932, $14,000 . Public Welfare.

PUBLIC WELFARE Child Welfare Div- Division of Child Welfare : For an additional amount for board ei Board, etc., of ehil- and care of all children comm itted to the guardianship of said board by the courts of the District, and for temporary care of chil- dren pending investigation or while being transferred from place to Lu nacy writs . Expenses of execut- ing . Miscellaneous ex- penses authorised by Att orney (len eral . 72d CON GRESS . SESS. I. CH. 364. JULY 1, 1932. CONTI NGENT AND MI SCELLA NEOUS EXPENS ES Judicial expenses : For judicial expenses, including procurement of chains of title, witness fees, and expert services in District cases before the Supreme Court of said District, fo~ the fiscal years that follow For 1930, $37 .36 ; For 1931, $4,643 .2 ; For 1932, $3,895 . General advertising : For an-additional amount for general adver- tising, authorized and required by law, and for tax and school notices and notices of changes in regulations, as follows For 1930, $283 .18 ; For 1931, $6,326. 6 5 . STREET AND ROAD IMPROVEMENT AND REPAIR Wharves, demolition, Bridges : Not to exceed $2,000 of the unexpended balance of the et Amount reappro ° appropriation of $15,000 contained in the District of Columbia p inted. 46, 1) . 5(3. Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1931 for reconstruction where necessary, and for maintenance and repair, of wharv es under the control of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia 'in the Washington Channel of the Potomac River, is hereby made available and shall continue available until June 30, 1933, for the demolition or reconstruction of such wharves as constitute a menace to navi- gation . HEALTH DEPARTMENT