Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/576

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552 72d C ONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 366. - JULY 1, 1932. otherwise from a located place of business shall be regarded as as apothecary or druggist . Auctioneers.

"PAR, 9. Auctioneers shall pay a license fee of $5 per annum . No condition .

license shall issue hereunder without the approval of the major and Punishment for con- superintendent of police . If any licensed auctioneer, his agent or version. employee, shall convert to his own use in the District of Columbia any goods, wares, merchandise, or personal property of any descrip- tion, o r the procee ds of the sa me, an d shall fail to pay over the avails or proceeds from the sale thereof, less his proper charges, within fi ve days a fter rece iving the money or its equi valent fr om the purchaser or purchasers of said goods, wares, merchandise, or personal property of any description, and after demand made therefor by the person entitled to receive the same, or his or her duly authorized agent, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon infor- mation and conviction in the police court of the District . of Columbia shall be fined not more than $1,000 or be imprisoned not exceeding six months, or both, in the discretion of the court . Nothing herein Vol.89,p.846. contained shall be construe d to repe al or alt er the pr ovisions of the Act entitled `An Act to prevent fraud at public auctions in the Distric t of C olumbi a,' ap proved Septe mber 8, 1916 . Barber shops, beauty "P AR, 10. Owners or managers of barber shops, beauty parlors, parlors. beauty salons , vani ty sho ps, or shing le shop s, by whatso ever n ame called, where hair cutting, hairdressing, hair dyeing, manicuring, and kindred acts are practiced shall pay a license fee of $5 per annum . Turkish, Russian, or " PAR. 11. Owners or managers of massage establishments and medicated baths . Vol.t 33, op. baths .

Turkish, Russian, or medicated baths shall pay a license fee of $5 174.

per annum . No license shall be issued under this paragraph without Condition,

the approval of the major and superintendent of police . It shall be Unlawful mas sag e unlawful for any female to give or administer massage treatment or treatment, any bath to any person of the male sex, or for any person of the male sex to give or administer massage treatment or any bath to any person of the female sex, in any establishment licensed under this Punishment . para grap h . Any pe rson v iolati ng the provi sions of this parag raph shall, upon conviction, be punished as hereinafter provided ; and, in addition to such penalty, it shall be the duty of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to revoke the license of the owner or man- ager of the establishment wherein the provisions of this paragraph shall have been violated . Public baths. "PAR, 12 . Owners or managers of establishments where public baths are supplied to transients shall pay a license fee of $5 per annum . " PAR . 13 . Owners or managers of establishments where moving- storage of moving- picture films are kept or stored shall pay a license fee of $65 per picture sin's,

annum . No license shall be issued hereunder without the approval Condition .

of the fi re marsha l of the District of Columb ia . Gasoline, etc ., sate. " PAR, 14. (a) Owners or managers of establishments where gaso- line or oils of like grade are sold shall pay a license fee of $3 per annum for each pump used in dispensing said gasoline or oils . o Kerosene. "(b) Owners or managers of establishments where kerosene or oils of like g rade are stored or are kept for sale shall pa y a licen se fee f $'5 p er annum. Explos ives st orage . "(c)) Owners or managers of establishments where explosives of any kind are stored or are kept for sale shall pay a license fee of $5 per annum . condition,

"(d) No license shall be issued under this paragraph without the approval of the fire marshal-of the District of Columbia . Pyroxylinstorage .

' PAR, 15 . Owners or managers of establishments where pyroxylin is kept o r stored for paint ing or sp raying sh all pay a license fee of