Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/606

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582 Reimbursement for inspection services . Typewriter repairs . Typewriting ma- chines, etc. Prices of standard machines established for 1933 . Proviso. Quiet machines . Accounts and Depos- its Of fice . Commissioner, and offic e person nel . Reference books, pe- riodicals, etc . Bookkeeping and Warran ts Div ision . Chief, and office per- sonnel . Contingent expenses, public moneys . R. S., sec. 3653, p. 719. U.S. C.,p.1010. Examination of de- positor ies . R. S.,see. 3649, p. 719 . U.S. C.,p. 1010. 72d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 430 . JU LY 5,1932 . cost of purchases made during the year shall be transferred from the fund b ack to the a ppropr iation from which o rigina lly tr ansfer red Prov ided fur ther , That no t to e xceed $5,000 of th e gene ral sup ply fund may be used during each of the fiscal years 1932 and 1933 for the purpose of reimbursing . when necessary, other departments and establishments for services rendered in the inspection of supplies procure d thro ugh th e Gene ral Su pply C ommitte e duri ng tho se fis cal years, the cost of such inspections to be added to the cost of the supplies when billing the requisitioning departments for them . Rep airs t o type writin g mach ines ( except bookke eping and bi lling machines) in the Government service in the District of Columbia may be made at cost by the General Supply Committee, payment therefor to be effected by charging the proper appropriation and crediting the appropriation " Salaries and expenses, General Supply Committee ." No part of any money appropriated by this or any other Act shall be used during the fiscal year 1933 for the purchase of any standard typewriting machines, except bookkeeping and billing machines, at a price in excess of the foll owing for models w ith carri ages whic h will accommodate paper of the following widths, to wit : Ten inches (correspondence models), $70 ; twelve inches, $75 ; fourteen inches, $77 .50 ; sixteen inches, $82.50 ; eighteen inches, $87 .50 ; twenty inches, $94 ; twenty-two inches, $95 ; twenty-four inches, $97 .50 ; twenty-six inches, $103.50 ; twenty-eight inches, $104 ; thirty inches, $105 ; thirty-two inches, $107 .50 ; or, for standard typewriting machines distinctively quiet in operation, the maximum prices shall be as follows for m odels with c arriag es whi ch will accom modate paper of the following widths, to wit : Ten inches, $87 .50 ; twelve inches, $90.54 ; fourteen inches, $93 .34 ; eighteen inches, $96 .26 : Provided, That standard typewriting machines distinctively quiet in operation purchased during such fiscal year by any such department, establish- ment, or municipal government shall only be purchased on the written order of the head thereof . OFFIC E OF COM MISS IONER OF ACCO UNTS AND DEPO SITS For Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits and other personal services in the Di strict of Columbia , $108,16 0 . For books of reference, law books, books on finance, technical and scientific books, newspapers, and periodicals, for expenses incurred in completing imperfect series, for library cards, supplies, and for all other necessary expenses, $1,000 . DIV ISION OF BOOK KEE PI NG AND WARRANTS For the chief of the division, and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $167,740 . Contingent expenses, public moneys : For contingent expenses under the requi reme nts o f sec tion 3653 of t he Re vise d Sta tutes (U. S . C ., title 31, sec . 545), for the collection, safe-keeping, transfer, and disbu rsement o f the pub lic money , transpo rtation o f notes, bonds, and other securities of the United States, salaries of special agents, actual expenses of examiners detailed to examine the books, accounts and mon ey on hand a t the severa l depo sitorie s, inc luding natio nal banks acting as depositaries under the requirements of section 3649 of the Revised Statutes (U . S . C., title 31, sec . 548), also including examinati ons of ca sh accoun ts at min ts and co st of ins urance on ship- ments of money by registered mail when necessary, $150,000 .