Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/610

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72d CONGR ESS . SESS. I. CH. 430. JULY 5, 1932 . Detection and prose- priation for " Fees of witnesses, United States courts " : Provided cation of revenue law viol atio ns . further, That not more than $100,000 of the total amount appro- priat ed he rein may be ex pende d by the Commi ssion er o f Int ernal Revenue for detecting and bringing to trial persons guilty of vio- lating the internal revenue laws or conniving at the same, including payments for information and detection of such violation . Refunding taxes illegally or erroneously collected : The unex- pended balanc e of t he app ropria tion f or refu nding taxes illega lly collected, contained in the Treasury Department Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1932, shall remain available until June 30, 1933, for refundin g taxes i llegally or errone ously col lected, a s pro- vided by law, including the payment of claims for the fiscal year 1933 and prior years : Provided, That a report shall be made to Congress by internal-revenue districts and alphabetically arranged of all disbursements hereunder in excess of $500 as required by section 3 of the Act of May 29, 1928 (U. S. C., Supp. V, title 26, sec . 149), including the names of all persons and corporations to whom such payments are made, together with the amount paid to each. Refunding tales. Balance available . Vol. 46, p. 1223 . Prov iso . Detailed report to congress. Vol. 45, p . 996. U. S. C., Supp. p. 361. Industrial Alcohol Bure au. Salariesandexpeuses . Vol.41 p .305 Vol . 42, 222; Vol: 44,'p . 1381 ; 01.46, p. 430 . U.S.C.,p.853; Supp. V, pp. 22, 461. Field service . Securing evidence of law violations . Chemical analyses . Supplies . Vehicles . V, F ovlao . Distilled spirits may be removed to ware- house for bott ling in bond . Bureau of Narcotics . Salari es ande X ~; Salaries and expenses : For expenses to enforce the Act of December p-J 130 ; 01 .35, V p.624 ; V .4 2, .596. U.S. p, pp.636, 742, BUREAU OF INDUSTRIAL ALCOHOL Salaries and expenses : For expenses to administer the applicable provisi ons of the N ationa l Proh ibitio n Act a s amen ded an d supp le- mented (U. S . C ., title 27 and internal revenue laws, pursuant to the Act of March 3, 1927 (U . S. C . Supp . V, title 5, sets . 281-281e), and the Act of May 27, 1930 (U. 9. C., Supp, V, title 27, sets. 103- 108), including the employment of executive officers, attorneys, inspectors, chemists, assistant chemists, supervisors, storekeeper- gaugers, clerks, messengers and other necessary employees in the field and in the Bureau of In dustri al Alc ohol i n the Distri ct of Columbia, to be appointed as authorized by law ; the securing of evidence of violations of the Acts ; the cost of chemical analyses made by others than employees of the United States and expenses incident to such chemists testifying when necessary ; the purchase of such su pplies , equi pment, mecha nical devices , labo ratory suppl ies books, and such other expenditures as may be .necessary in the severaf field offices ; cost of acquisition and maintenance of automobiles delivered to the Secretary of the Treasury for use in a dmin istration of the law under his jurisdiction ; hire, maintenance, repair, and opera tion of mo tor- prope lled or h orse- drawn pass enge r-car rying vehicles when necessary, for official use in field work ; and for rental of necessary quarters ; in all $4 525,000, of which amount not to exceed $3 54,320 ma y be expe nded Yor personal services in the Di strict of Columbia : Provided, That for purpose of concentration, upon the initi ation of t he C ommis sione r of Indu stria l Alc ohol and under regulations prescribed by him, distilled spirits may be removed from any internal-revenue bonded warehouse to any other such warehouse, and may be bottled in bond in any such warehouse before or after payment of th e tax, and t he com missio ner sha ll pre scribe the f orm and penal sum of bond covering distilled spirits in internal-revenue bonded warehouses and in transit between such warehouses . BUREAU OF NARCOTICS .17, 1914 (U. S . C., title 26, sec . 211) as amended by the Revenue Act of 1918 (U. S. C ., title 26 sees . 691-]708), the Act a roved February 9, 1909, as amended by the Act of May 26, 1922 (U . S. C., title 21, se es . 171-18 4), kn own as the N arcoti c Drug s Impor t and Export Act,