Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/648

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 443. JULY 7,1932. Nematology : For crop technological investigations, including the stud of plant-infesting nematodes, $50,000. Pony peach eradication : For condu cting such i nvesti gation s of the nature and means of communication of the disease of peach trees kn own as phony peach and f or app lying such me thods of era dicati on or control of the disease as in the judgment of the Secretary of Agri- culture may be necessary, including the payment of such expenses and the employment of such persons and means, in the city of Washing- ton and elsewhere, and cooperation with such authorities of the States co ncerned, organizat ions of g rowers, o r individ uals, as he may deem necessary to accomplish such purposes, $50,000, and, in the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture, no expenditure shall be made for these purposes until a sum or sums at least equal to such expenditures shall have been appropriated, subscribed, or contributed, by State, county, or local authorities, or by individuals or organiza- tions for the accomplishment of such purposes : Provided, That no part of the money herein appropriated shall be used to pay the cost . or value of trees or other roperty i njured or destroye d . Plant nutrition : For pant-nutrition investigations, $18,050 . Rubber, fiber, and other tropical plants : For investigation of crops introduced from tropical regions, and for the improvement of rubber, abaca, an d other f iber plan ts by cul tural met hods, bre eding, ac clima- tization, adaptation, and selection, and for investigation of their diseases, and fo r deterlninincr t he feasibility of increasing th e produc- tion of hard fibers outside o'the continental United States, $75 ,000 . Seed investigations : For studying and testing commercial seeds, including the te sting of samples of seeds of gra sses, clover, or alfalfa, and lawn-grass seeds secured in the open market, and- where such samples are found to be adulterated or misbranded the results of the tests shall be published, together with the names of the persons by whom the seeds wer e offered for sale , and for carrying out the provi- sions of the Act approved August 24, 1912 (U. S. C., title 7, sets . 111-114), entitled "An Act to regulate foreign commerce by prohibit- ing the a dmission into the United St ates of c ertain ad ulterated grain and seeds unfit for seeding purposes," $75,500 : Provided, That not to exceed $250 of this amount may be used for meeting the share of the United States in the expenses of the International Seed Testing Con- gress in carrying out plans for correlating the work of the various adhering governments on problems relating to seed analysis or other subjects which the congress may determine to be necessary in the interest of international seed trade . Su gar-plant investig ations : For sugar-plant investigations, includ- ing stiidies of diseases and the improvement of sugar beets and sugar-beet seed, $385,462 . Tobacco investigations : For the investigation and improvement of to bacco and the metho ds of tob acco produ ction and hand ling, $90,6 00 . Utilizing western recl aimed lan ds . Western irrigation agriculture : For investigations in connection with western irrigation agriculture, the utilization of lands reclaimed under the Reclamation Act, and other areas in the arid not and semiarid regions, $147,950 : Provided, That the limitations in this Act as to the cost of farm buildings shall not apply to this para grap h. Total, Bureau of Plant Industry, $4,930,874, of which amount not to exc eed $1 ,794 ,650 may be expended for personal services in the P .--t-


Of Col„f„b Nematology. Phony peach eradi- cation . Investigations, etc . Subject to e qual con- tributions from States, atc. Proviso . No pay for trees, etc., injured or d estroyed . Plant nutrition . Rubber, fiber, and other tropical plants. Seed investigations . Testing co mmercial seeds and grasses. Preventing admis- sion of seeds, etc . Vol .87,p . 506; Vol. p. 32b. S. C.,p.95; Supp. V, p. 45. Proviso. International Seed Testing Congress . Sugar plant investi- gations . Tobacco pro duction, etc . Proviso . Bui ld ing li mit applicable .