Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/652

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 443. JULY 7,1932 . Forest research . FOREST RESEARCH Development e etc . cpment of For forest research in accordance with the provisions of sections timber VsQ .P9np . V, p. 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, and 10 of the Act entitled "An Act to insure adequate •

supplies of timber and other forest products for the people of the United States, to promote the full use for timber growing and other purposes of forest lands in the United States, including farm wood lots and thos e ab andon ed a reas not suita ble for agric ultu ral p ro- duction, and to secure the correlation and the most economical conduct of forest research in the Department of Agriculture through rese arch in r efor estat ion, timb er g rowin g, p rote ction uti lizat ion fore st ec onom ics, and rela ted s ubje cts," approved Nay 22, 1929 (U . S. C., Supp. V, title 16, sees . 581, 581a, 5811481i), as follows : tig atio ns, E

etc ., Experiments, at li ves et,- - Forest manegement : Fire, silvicultural, and other forest investi- u0 vt 45, p. 700.

gations and experiments under section 2, at forest experiment sta- tions or el sewher e, $53 4,280 . raM ng to rent of Range investigations : Investigations and experiments to develop Vo l.'45, p . 701.

improved methods of management of forest and other ranges under section 7, at forest or range experiment stations o r elsewhere, Forest products ex- $123,030 . produc ts : periments .


Experiments, investigations, and tests of forest voi. 45, p. 701.

products under section 8, at the Forest Products La boratory, or elsew here, $613,6 40 . Forasp702.

Forest survey : A comprehensive forest survey under section 9, $170,280. Forest economics .

Forest economics : Investigations in forest economics under sec- tion 10, $70 240 . A dit i, from co In all, salaries and expenses, $10,491,764 ; and in addition thereto =Ions. fund there are hereby appropriated all moneys received as contributions contributions. voi . 43, p. 1132; toward cooperative work under the provisions of section-I of the u. S. C., p. 428. Act approved March 3, 1925 (U . S. C., title 16, sec . 572), which Vol. 33, p.

funds shall be covered into the Treasury and constitute a~~ part of U . S. C., p . 422.

the speciall funds provided by the Act of June 30, 1914 (U . S . C., Prorfssc .

title 16 sec . 498) : Provided, That not to exceed $489,360 may be Services in the Dis -


> trict .

expended for departmental personal services in the District of Cont ribution to In- Columbia : Provided further That not to exce ed $1000 may be ternational Union of


> Forest Research Sta expended for the contribution of the United States to the cost of the Lions.

office of the secretariat of the ~Internatiorial Union of Forest Rese arch Stat ions . Fore st fire preven- ti on .

FOREST-FIRE COOPERATION . Co oper ati on wi th For cooperation with the various States or other appropriate St at es, etc ., for pro- tecti ng timbe r on thei r agen cies i n fore st-fir e pre ventio n and suppre ssion and t he pro tectio n lands.

Of timbered and cut-over lands in accordance with the provisions us. 43, ,p.427. of sections 1, 2, and 3 of the Act entitled " An Act to provide for the protection of forest lands, for the reforestation of denuded areas, . for the extension of national forests and for other purposes, in order to promote continuous production of timber on lands chiefly valuable , therefor," approved June 7, 1924 (U . S . C ., title 16, sees . 564-570) Tax la ws and timber Insurance.

as amend ed i nclud ing also the stud y of the effec t of tax laws an the investigation of timber insurance as provided - in section 3 of Services in the Dis- said Act, $ 1,611, 580, o f whi ch $48 ,320 s hall b e avai lable for d epart- trict. mental personal services in the District of Columbia and not to me pplIes and equip- exce ed $2 ,800 for the purc hase of s uppli es a nd e quipm ent requi red for the purposes of said Act in the District of Columbia .