Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/663

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72d CONG RESS . SESS. I. CH. 443 . JULY 7,1932 .

639 merchants and others and to require them tr uly and correct ly to account for all farm produce received by them " approved March 3, 1927 (U . S. C., Supp . V, title 7, sets . 491-4975, including the pur- able Purchase f perish. cha se of such pe ris hab le farm products as may be necessary for detection of violations of the latter Act : Provided, That all receipts g~Ph from sales from the sale of such products shall be credited to this appropriation, credited to appropriate and shall be reexpendable therefrom, and including the employment fund . of such persons and means as the Secretary of Agriculture may deem necessary in the city of Washington and elsewhere, $43,800 . C OMPLET ION OF WOOL WORK Wool clip of 1918 . To enable the Bureau of Agricultural Economics to complete the tribumoner om am wo rk of the domestic wo ol section of the War Industries Board owners of sums col- and to enforce Government regulations for handling the wool cl ip of 1918 as established by the wool division of said board, pursuant to the Executive order dated December 31, 1918, transferring such work to the said bureau, $3,000, and to continue, as far as practicable, the distributi on among the gr owers of the woo l clip of 1918 o f all sums heretofore or hereafter collected or recovered with or with- out suit by the Government from all persons, firms, or corporations, which handled any part of the wool clip of 1918 . WOOL MARKETING STUDIES

Wool marketing studies . N ot to exceed $39, 300 of the funds collected from e rsons, firms, or Fund created for, corporations which handled any part of the wool clip of 1918, which clipof collections 1918 .

of wool the Secretary of Agriculture finds it impracticable to distribute among woolgrowers, shall be deposited in the Treasury to the credit of a special f und which is he reby appropriate d for the fiscal year 1933 for the p urpose of carry ing into effect the provisions o f the Act entitled ` An Act to autho rize the appropr iation for use b y the Use foretandardizing Secretary of Agriculture of certain funds for wool standards, and `vvo


.593a for other purposes," approved May 17, 1928 (U.S. C., Supp. V,b1U.S.C.,Supp.V.P. title 7, sees. 415b_k15d), including personal services and other neces- sary expenses in the District of Columbia and elsewhere .

services in the Die- T otal, Bureau of Agricultural E conomics, $6,64 9,841, of which t r i c t . amount not to exceed $2,368 ,330 may be ex pended for per sonal services in the District of Columbia. BUREAU OF ROME ECONOMICS SALARIES AND G ENERAL EXPENS ES Home Economics Bu reau . General expenses . For necessary expenses for general administrative purposes, office sfo bureau and including the salary of chief of bureau and other personal services in the District of Clumbia, $27,900 .

Utilizing farm prod . For conducting, either independently or in cooperation with other ucts in the home, etc . agencies, investigations of the relative utility and economy of agri- cultural products for food, clothing, and other uses in the home, with special sugge stions of plans and methods fo r the more effe ctive utilization of such products for these purposes, and for disseminat- ing useful information on th is subject, inclu ding travel and all other necessary expenses, $205,465 . Total, Bureau of dome Economics, $233,365, of which amount not t. Services in the Dis . to exceed $21 4,120 may be ex pended for pers onal services i n the District of Columbia.