Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/699

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 482. JULY 14, 1932 .


Acquisition of land . Acquisition of land : For the acquisition of land at Fort Ethan vi °~ Ethan Allen , Allen, Vermont, as authorized by the Act approved March 4, 1931 Pearl, PubN . 7. (46 Stat ., p . 1520), $7,500 ; and for completion of acquisition of land vol . 42, p.4ia . at Pedricktown, New Jersey, as authorized by the Act approved Mar ch 8, 1 922 (42 Stat., p . 418), $2,057 ; in all, $9,557, to remain available until expended . SIGNAL CO RPS SIG NAL SERVICE OF liar . ARMY Telegraph and telephone systems : Purchase, equipment, operation, and repair of military telegraph, telephone, radio, cable, and signal- ing systems ; signal equipment and stores, heliographs, signal lan- terns, flags, and other necessary instruments ; wind vanes, barometers, anemometers, thermometers, and other meteorological instruments ; photographic and cinematographic work performed for the Army by the Signal Corps ; not to exceed $18,641 for mileage or other travel allowances of officers, and traveling expenses of employees, traveling on duty in connection with the Signal Service . of the Army ; motor cycles, motor-driven and other vehicles for technical and official pur- poses in connection with the construction, operation, and maintenance of communication or signaling systems, and supplies for their opera- tion and maintenance ; professional and scientific books of reference, pamphlet s, perio dicals, newspape rs, and maps for use of t he Signa l Corps and in the office of the Chief Signal Officer ; telephone appara- tus, including rental and payment for commercial, exchange, me s- sage , tr unk -lin e, l ong -dis tanc e, and leas ed- line te leph one ser vice at or connecting any post, camp, cantonment, depot, arsenal, head- quarters, hospital, aviation station, or other office or station of the Army, excepting the local telephone service for the various bureaus of the War Department in the District of Columbia, and toll me s- sages pertaining to the office of the Secretary of War ; electric time service ; the rental of commercial telegraph lines and equipment and their operation at or connecting any post, camp, cantonment, depot, arsenal, headqua rters, hospital, aviation statio n, or other offic e or station of the Army, including payment for official individual tele- graph messages transmitted over commercial lines ; electrical installa- tions and maintenance thereof at military posts, cantonments, camps and stat ions of the Army , fire-c ontrol a nd direct ion appa ratus an d material for Field Artillery ; salaries of civilian employees, including those necessary as instructors at vocational schools ; supplies, general repairs, reserve supplies, and other expenses connected with the collecting and transmitting of information for the Army by tele- graph or otherwise ; experimental investigation, research, purchase and development or improvements in apparatus, and maintenance of signaling and accessories thereto, including patent rights and other rights thereto, including machines, instruments, and othe- equipment for laboratory and repair purposes ; lease, alteration, and repair of such bui ldings r equired for stor ing or g uarding S ignal Co rps sup- plies, equipment, and personnel when not otherwise provided fo r, including the land therefor, the introduction of water, electric light and-Vower, sewerage, grading, roads and walks, and other equipment required, $2,544,275, of which amount not to exceed $150,000 shall remain available until June 30, 1934, for the construction and rehabil- itation of Signal Corps telephone systems . Signal Corps. Signal Service . Telegraph and tele- phone systems . Purcha se, ope ration , etc . Local exemption . Electri c Insta llation s . Civilian employees . E x1 .~ erime ntal re- s=, etc . Supp ly hou ses . Telephone systems .