Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/713

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72d CONGRE SS . SESS. I. CH . 482. JULY 14,19 32 .

689 men of the Regular Army shall be expended for the manufacture inspnareituraower~n- and/or production of such apparel in Government factories or estab- ment factories . lishments, except that such limitation may be exceeded to the extent that it may be ascertained, after competitive bidding in accordance with law, that work of such character may be performed at lesser cost in such Government factories or establishments . TITLE II .-NONMILITARY ACTIVITIES OF THE WAR ties. onmflitary DEPAR TMENT QUART ERMASTER CORPS C EME TER IAL EX PEN SES M F For maintaining and improving national cemeteries, including fuel for and pay of superintendents and the superintendent at Mexico City, laborers and other employees, purchase of tools and materials ; purchase of six motor-propelled freight-carrying vehicles at a total cost not to exceed $5,750, and for the repair, maintenance, and operation of motor vehicles ; care and maintenance of the Arlington Memorial Amphitheater, chapel, and grounds in the Arlington National Cemetery, and permanent American cemeteries abroad, including not to exceed $2,250 for allowances for living quarters, including heatfuel and light, as authorized by the Act approved June 26, 1930 -'(46 ,tat ., p . 818) ; for repair to roadways but not to more than a single approach road to any national cemetery constructed under special Act of Congress ; for headstones for unmarked graves of soldiers, sailors, and marines under the Acts approved March 3 1873 (U . S . C ., title 24, sec . 279), February 3, 1879 (U. S. C., title 24, sec. 280), March 9, 1906 (34 Stat., p. 56), March 14, 1914 (38 Stat., p. 768), and February 26, 1929 (U. S. C., Supp . V, title 24, sec . 280a), and civilians interred in post cemeteries ; for recov ery of b odies and the disp ositi on o f re mains of milit ary ersonnel and civilian employees of the Army un der Act approved arch 9, 1928 (U. S. C., Supp. V, title 10, sec. 916) ; for the care, protection, and maintenance of the Confederate Moun d in Oakwood Cemetery at Chicago, the Confederate Stockade Cemet ery at John- stons Island, the Confederate burial plats owned by the United States in Confederate Cemetery at North Alton, the Confederate Cemetery, Camp Chase, at Columbus, the Confederate section in Greenlawn Cemetery at Indianapolis, the Confederate Cemetery at Point Lookout ; and the Confederate Cemetery at Rock Island, and not to exceed $17,625 for or on account of travel, $847,862 : Provided, That no railroad shall be permitted upon any right of way which may have been acquired by the United States leading to a national cemetery, or to encroach upon any roads or walks constructed thereon and maintained by the United States : Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be used for repairing any roadway not owned by the United State s within the corporate limits of any city, town, or village : Provided further, That hereafter Arlington National Cemetery' shall be administered by an offic er of the Ar my ret ired from a ctive servic e unde r the _prov isions of section 1251, Revised Statutes, detailed on active duty for that purpose, and, in addition, one retired officer may be continued on active duty in the office of the Chief of Finance, and the appropria- tion contained in this Act for " Pay, and so forth, of the Army," shall be available for increased pay and allowances to other retired officers and enlisted men now on active duty to August 15, 1932, inclusive . 30 51 °-3 3-- 44 aeti vi- Qua rterma ster Corps . National cemeteries. Ma inte nanc e, etc . Arlington, Va . Cemeteries abroad . Li ving qua rter s, etc. Vol.46,p. 818 . U.S. C., Supp.V,p. is. Repairs to roadways. Headstones for sol . diers , graves. Vol. 20, p . 281; Vol. 34, p 56

Vol. 38, p . 768; VoL 45 p. 1307. U . ~. C.. p. 687, Supp. V, p . 348. Recovery of remains. Vol.45,p. 251. U.S. C ., Supp. V, p. 101 . Confederate Mound, Chicago, Ill . Confederate cemeter- ias, etc. Provisos . Encroachments for- bidd en . Repairs restricted. Arlington Cemetery. Pl aced un der reti red Ar my officer . R.S.,sec . 1251, p . 218 . V.S. C.,p.204. Re ti red officer con- tinued in office of Chief of Finance. Fu nd available for In- crease of pay of others on active duty .