Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/74

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72d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CHS:, 46, 47 . FEBRUARY 12, 18, 1932 . [CHAPTER 46 .] AN ACT February 12,1932 . [H . R .6663 .1 To reserve ce rtain land o n the public domain in Ut ah for addit ion to the Skull [Public, No . 34.1

Valley Indian Reservation . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the skull valley Indian United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the south half Reservation . ad to. of section 14, township 5 south, range 8 west of the Salt Lake meridian, Utah, on the public domain, be, and the same is hereby, reserved as an addition to the Skull Valley Indian Reservation Rroviso etc., of prior Pro vid ed, That the rights and claims of any bona fide settler ini- set tle rs , tiated under the pu blic l and la ws pri or to S eptemb er 2, 1931, the date of withdrawal of the land from all form of entry, shall not be affected by this Act . Approved, February 12, 1932 . February 18,1932. [s .2173 .1 [Public, No. 35 .] District of Columbia . Protection of union labels, etc . Drawing and regis- tra tio n. Fee for certified copy . Cer tif ica te not as- signable . Unauthorized use of label, etc., prohibited . Action to enjoin use, ete., of counterfeits and imitations . [CHA PTE R 47.] AN ACT To authorize associations of employees in the District of Columbia to adopt a device to designate the products of the labor of their members, to punish illegal use or imitation of such device, and for other purposes . Be it enact ed by th e Senate and Hou se of Re presenta tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That a union or association of employees in the District of Columbia may adopt a device in the form of~a label, brand, mark, name, or other character for the purpose of designating the products of the - labor of the mem- bers thereof . A drawing of such device may be filed in the office of the clerk of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia and the clerk shall register same in a book to be provided for such purpose and be entitled to collect $1 for each registration . A certified copy of the drawing so registered may be obtained from the clerk upon the payment of $1 for each certification . Such certificate shall not be assignable by the union or association to whom it is issued . SEC. 2 . No person shall in any way use or display the label, brand, mark, name, or other character adopted by any, such union or asso- ciation as provided in section 1 of this Act wihout the consent or authority of such union or association ; or counterfeit or imitate any such labe l, brand, mark, na me, or ot her chara cter, or knowingly sell, dispose of, keep, or have in his possession with intent to sell or dis- pose of any goods, wares, merchandise, or other products of labor, upon which any such counterfeit or imitation is attached, affixed, printed, stamped, or impressed, or knowingly sell, dispose of, keep, or have in his possession with intent to sell or dispose of any goods, wares, merchandise, or other products of labor contained in an box, case, can, or package, to which or on which any such counterfeit or imitation is attached, affixed, printed, painted, stamped, or impressed . If copie s of such device h ave been file, th e union o r associa tion may maintain an action in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia to enjoin the manufacture, use, display, or sale of counterfeit or colorabl e imitati ons of su ch device , or of goods bea ring the same, or the unauthorized use or display of such device or of goods bearing the same, and the court may restrain such wrongful manufacture, use, display, or sale, and every unauthorized use or display by others of the genuine devices so regi stered and filed , if such use or display is not authorized by the owner thereof, and may award to the plaintiff such damages resulting from such wrnrlmful manufactu re, use, dis- play, or sale as may be proved, together with the profits derived therefrom .