Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/790

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 11. JANUARY 17, 1933 . Annual, etc ., reports . (3) The Chief Executive of the Commonwealth of the Philippine Islands shall make an ann ual re port t o the P reside nt and Congr ess of the United States of the proceedings and operations of the gov- ernment of the Commonwealth of the Philippine Islands and shall make such other reports as the President or Congress may request . IInited stat es sign Commissioner to the (4) The President shall appoint, by and with the advice and con- Phil ippin e is lands . sent of the S enate, a Uni ted St ates H igh Com missio ner to the stall it ales, etc . au ernment of the Commonwealth of the Philippine Islands who stall hold office at the pleasure of the President and until his successor is appointed and qualified. He shall be known as the United States High Commissioner to the Philippine Islands . He shall be the repre- sentative of the President of the United States in the Philippine Islands and shall be recognized as such by the government of the Commonwealth of the Philippine Islands, by the commanding offi- cers of the military forces of the United States, and by all civil officials of the United States in the Philippine Islands . He shall have access to all records of the government or any subdivision thereof, and shall be furnished by the Chief Executive of the Com- monwealth of the Philippine Islands with such information as he shall request . Report of, neon fat( ure of government - If the government of the Commonwealth of the Philippine Islands in- meet bonded, etc., ~n- fails to pay any of its bonded or other indebtedness or the interest debtedness . thereon when due or to fulfill any of its contracts, the United States High Commissioner shall immediately report the facts to the Presi- dent, w ho may there upon d irect the Hi gh Comm ission er to take o ver the customs offices and administration of the same, administer the same, and apply such part of the revenue received therefrom as may be necessary for the payment of such overdue indebtedness or for the fulfillment of such contracts . The United States High Commissioner shall annually, and at such other times as the President may require render an official report t o the Pre sident an d Congres s of the United States . He shall perform such additional duties and functions as may be delegated to him from time to time by the President under the provisions of this Act . Comp ensa tion .

The Unite d Stat es Hig h Comm ission er sha ll rece ive th e same com- pensation as is now received by the Governor General of the Philip- Assistants, etc• pine Islands, and shall have such staff and assistants as the President may deem advisable and as may be appropriated for by Congress, including a financ ial exper t,,who sh all recei ve for su bmission to the High Commissioner a duplicate copy of the reports of the insular auditor . Appeals from decisions of the insular auditor may be taken to the President of the United States . The salaries and expenses of the High Commissioner and his staff and assistants shall be paid by the United States . When to take office.

The first United States High Commissioner appointed under this Act shall take office upon the inauguration of the new government of the Commonwealth of the Philippine Islands . Resident Com mis -

The government of the Commonwealth of the Philippine sioner to the United

(5) states.

Islands s hall prov ide for t he select ion of a Resident Commissio ner to Recognition, etc'

the United States, and shall fix his term of office . He shall be the represe ntativ e of t he gov ernmen t of t he Comm onweal th of the Ph il- ippine Islands and shall be entitled to official recognition as such by all dep artmen ts upo n pres entati on to the Pre sident of cr edenti als signed by the Chief Execu tive o f said govern ment . He sh all ha ve a seat in the House of Representatives of tl_a United States, with the right of debate, but without the right of voting. His salary and expenses shall be fixed and paid by the government of the Philippine Islands . Until a Resident Commissioner is selected and qualified