Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/796

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS . 13,14 . JANUARY 19,1933 . [CHAPTER 13 .1 January 19, 1933.

AN ACT [s . sls3.] Granting the consent of Congress to the Board of Coiihty Commissioners of [Public, No. 313 .] Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, to construct, maintain, and operate a to ll bridge across the Monongahela River between the city of Pittsburgh and the borough of Homestead, Pennsylvania . Be it enacted by the Senate aid Home of Representatives of the Monongahel River, United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the consent Ps,lmayybridge, n bee . Of Congress is hereby granted to the Board of County Commissioners teen ~d burgh and of A lleg heny Cou nty, Pen nsyl vani a, t o co nstr uct, maintain, and oper ate a toll bridge and approaches the reto acr oss the Mono n- gahela River, at a point suitable to the interest of navigation, Const cioonn. between the citv of Pittsbur gh and the borough of Homestead, to 84, p. replace what is known as the Brown Bridge, in accordance with the provisions of an Act entitled " An Act to regu late the con stru ctio n of bridges over navigable waters," approved March 23 ; 1906, and subject to the conditions and limitations contained in this Act . mai Tol ls ntenance, sinking SEC . 2 If tolls are charged for the use of such bridge the rates fund, etc. of toll shall be so adjusted as to provide a fund sufficient to pay the reasonable cost of maintaining, repairing, and operat , ~'the bridge and its appr oach es u nder eco nomi cal mana geme nt, and to provide a sinking fund sufficient to amortize the cost of the bridge and its appro ache s, i nclu ding rea sona ble inte rest and fin anci ng c ost, as soon as possible under reasonable charges, but within a period of not to exceed twenty years from the co mp le ti o n thereof. After a sinking Free bri dge there • fund sufficient for such amortization shall have been so rovided after . such bri dge shal l th erea fter be maintained and operate free otl tolls, or the rates of toll shall thereafter be so adjusted as to pro- vide a fund of not to exceed the amount necessary for the proper maintenance, repair, and operation of the bridge and its approaches Record of expendi- under eco nomi cal mans ement . An accurate record of the costs ture s and rec eipts . of the bridge and its approaches, the expenditures for maintaining, repairing, and operating the same, and of the daily tolls collected shall be ke pt and shall be available for the information of all persons interested. amendment.

SEC . 3 . The right to alter, amend, or repeal this act is hereby expressly reserved . Approved, January 19, 1933 . [CHA PTER 14 .1 Ja nuary 19, 1933 . AN ACT [s.5231 ] To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction ofa (Public, No. 314.]

bridge across the Missour i River at o r near Randol ph, Missouri . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Missouri Ri ver. Time extended for United States o f America in Congress as ambled, That the times for bridging, at Randolph, commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the MVol. 4s, pp . 729,1431. Missouri River at or nea r Ra ndol ph, Miss ouri , au thor ized to be AnI4 pp4 9 3%aa : built by The Kans as C ity Sout hern Rai lway Co mpan y, its s uc- ed. cessors and assigns, by an act of Congress approved May 24, 1928, here tofo re e xten ded by Acts of C ongr ess appr oved Mar ch 1, 1929, May 14, 1930, February 6, 1931, and May 6, 1932, are hereby further extended one and three years respectively, from May 24, 1933. Amendment.

SEC. 2. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, January 19, 1933 .