Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/839

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH.91. FEBRU ARY 16, 1933 .

815 or by his authority for terms of four years and until their successors A"motppointment, corn- are appoi nted a nd qu alifi ed, a nd the comp ensat ion of such pers ons shall be fixed by the President, or by his authority . "Before assuming office the magistrates and constables shall take oath of off ice . and subscribe an oath of office before a notary public of the Canal Zone to the effect that they will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of their respective offices . " The rule s govern ing said courts and pres cribing t he dutie s of sai d Ru les, etc ., to be magistrates and constables, oaths, and bonds, the times and places established . of holding such courts, the disposition of fines, costs, and forfeitures shall be established by order of the President . "The Governor may grant pardons and reprieves and remit fines Pardo ning, etc., pow. and forfeitures for offenses against the laws of the Canal Zone and er of Governor . reprieves for offenses against the laws of the United States until the decision of the President is made known thereon . " The Gov erno r of the Pan ama Cana l sh all appo int all nota rie s Notaries public. public, prescribe their powers and duties, their official seal, and the fees to be charged and collected by them . "Appeals' from the judgments and rul ings of the magi stra tes ' Appeals to dist1ct courts to the d istrict c ourt are authori zed in a ll civil and cri minal CO17t' cases ." SEC. 2. Th at section 8of the Panama Canal Act, as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows 'EC). 8 . There shall be in the Canal Zone one district court, to Di stri ct court, di vf be known and designated as the United States District Court for the sfons or. District of the Canal Zone . There shall be two divisions of said district court, one including Balboa and the other including Cris- tobal, and the boundarie s of the divisio ns shall be dete rmined b y the President. "There shall be one district judge of the said district ; provided Dtstrictiudges. that the President may appoint a special district judge to act, when necessary, during the absence of the district judge from the Canal Zone or during any period of disability or disqualification from sick- ness, o r otherw ise to di scharge his duti es, and such spe cial dis trict judge shall receive the same rate of compensation and the same mile- age and per diem as is paid to the district judge . Ter ms of the Terms of district distric t court shall be held in the Balb oa and C ristobal divisio ns at •O"rt such times as the judge may designate by order . "The rules of said district court shall be prescribed by the dis- Rul es to be pre trict judge .

scri bed . "The said district court shall have jurisdiction of :

Jurisdiction . "All criminal cases wherein the punishment that may be imposed exceeds a fine of $100 or thirty days' imprisonment or both ; "All cases in equity ; "All cases in admiralty ; "All cases of divorce and annulment of marriage ; "All cases at law involving principal sums exceeding $500 ; "All appeals from judgments rendered in the magistrates' courts ; "All cases and proceedings involving laws of the United States applicable to the anal Zone ; " All o ther matter s and proc eedin gs whe rein juris dictio n is con- ferred by the codes of law and procedure of the anal Zone ; "In addition to the jurisdiction now specifically conferred on it offenses on nigh sees by certain Acts of Congress, the said court shall have jurisdiction of and off enae ~rs ro, • d t i n offenses under the criminal laws of the United States when such Can al z one, etc . offenses are committed upon the high seas beyond the territorial l imits of the Can al Zone, on vess els belo nging in whole or in part to ; the United States, or any citizen thereof or any corporation created by or under the laws of the United States or of any State, Territory,